

发表于 2021-4-10 09:48:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


近日,美联航总裁斯科特-柯比(Scott Kirby)围绕补贴问题发布了最新的观点。这也是延续我们之前讨论的竞争问题。








(CEO Kirby says recent government subsidies are a unique situation which supports aviation as a critical part of the infrastructure, as opposed to just ongoing regular support of businesses that don't have a workable business model.)





[Q: The US carriers have got some support from the US government through this pandemic. It's come with some strings attached, but do you think that this changes the game, has any ramifications relative to the historical issue around the Gulf or international carriers who were getting unfair subsidies. What's the ramification of airlines like United and others getting US funds?]

Government has supported aviation as a critical part of the infrastructure. This is a unique situation as opposed to just ongoing regular support of businesses that don’t have a workable business model.

“In short I think it really doesn't change the conversation at all. A once in a lifetime or once in a century crisis, governments basically around the world, this isn't unique to the US, almost around the world with a few exceptions, but mostly around the world have supported aviation. Not just aviation, but they've supported aviation as a critical part of the infrastructure, just like they've supported other parts of the economy that were hit by COVID through no fault of their own.

"And so I think that is a unique situation, as opposed to just ongoing regular support of businesses that don't have a workable business model. We were profitable before, we're going to be profitable after. We were self-sustaining before, we're going to be self-sustaining afterwards. That's true of us. That's true of Air France. That's true of Lufthansa. That's true of Air New Zealand. Around the world, that's true. And the difference is, if you were losing money before, you're going to be losing money afterwards without state support. I think that's a different kind of state subsidy you're getting through.”


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