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AIDA Cruises is a German cruise line founded in the early 1960s and organized as a wholly owned subsidiary of Carnival Corporation & plc since 2003. Based in Rostock, Germany, AIDA Cruises caters primarily to the German-speaking market; as seagoing "club resorts", AIDA ships have on-board amenities and facilities designed to attract younger, more active vacationers. As of December 2019, the cruise line operates 14 ships, with two additional ships on order.
爱达邮轮是一家德国邮轮公司,成立于20世纪60年代初,2003年成为Carnival Corporation & plc的全资子公司。爱达邮轮总部设在德国罗斯托克,主要面向德国市场;作为海上的“俱乐部度假村”,爱达邮轮的船上配备了旨在吸引更年轻、更活跃的度假者的设施。截至2019年12月,爱达邮轮运营着14艘邮轮,另有两艘正在预定建造。

AIDA Cruises 宣传片


The company was founded as Deutsche Seereederei (German Shipping Company) with a ship called Völkerfreundschaft ("Peoples' Friendship"), and entered the cruise industry in the 1960s. After the reunification of Germany in the early 1990s Deutsche Seereederei was privatised and became DSR. DSR acquired Seetours of Bremen and cruises were marketed under the Seetours brand. On 1 January 1998, DSR split their operations into cargo and tourism, with a new company Arkona Touristik taking over the cruise business. Then during 2000 a company was formed, known as AIDA Cruises; with P&O Cruises acquiring a 51% stake in the new organisation, and Arkona Touristik retaining the other 49%.
爱达邮轮公司的前身是德国航运公司(Deutsche Seereederei),当时拥有一艘名为Völkerfreundschaft(“人民友谊”)的船,并于1960年代进入了邮轮业。1990年代初德国统一之后,德国航运公司(Deutsche Seereederei)私有化并成立了DSR。后来DSR收购了不来梅的Seetours,邮轮业务以Seetours品牌开展运营。1998年1月1日,DSR将业务分为货运和旅游业,新公司Arkona Touristik接管了邮轮业务。然后在2000年成立了一家名为AIDA Cruises的公司, P&O Cruises收购了新组织的51%的股份,而Arkona Touristik则保留了其他49%的股份。
In 2001, P&O Princess Cruises acquired the remaining 49% interest in AIDA and the cruise business associated with Seetours International. In 2003, P&O Princess merged with Carnival Corporation, to form Carnival Corporation & plc, the world's largest cruise holiday company. Seetours was rebranded as AIDA Cruises in 2004.
Following the merger, executive control of AIDA Cruises was transferred to Costa Cruises Group, one of the main operating companies of Carnival Corporation & plc, with responsibility for the group's European brands. AIDA Cruises is now one of ten brands owned by Carnival Corporation & plc, based at Miami, Florida, accounting for 6.5% of its share of revenue and has been led by President Felix Eichhorn since 1 September 2015.
合并后,爱达邮轮的执行控制权转交给嘉年华集团的主要运营公司之一歌诗达邮轮集团,负责集团的欧洲品牌。AIDA邮轮目前是嘉年华公司旗下的十个品牌之一,总部位于佛罗里达州迈阿密,占其收入份额的6.5%,自2015年9月1日以来一直由总裁Felix Eichhorn领导。
In October 2017, AIDAcara departed from Hamburg on the company's first World Cruise. After a 116-day sailing, the ship returned to Hamburg on 10 February 2018. The ship visited Southampton, Lisbon, Madeira, Rio de Janeiro, Ushuaia, Easter Island, Tahiti, Singapore, and the Maldives, among other destinations. On 8 October 2018 AIDAaura left Hamburg on the company's second World Cruise, the 117-day voyage visited 41 ports in 20 countries on four continents. Several of the destinations were new to the company, including South Africa, Namibia, Melbourne, Tasmania, Fiji, Samoa and New Caledonia.
In December 2018, AIDA debuted AIDAnova, the first cruise ship to be fully powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG). Earlier, in May 2016, AIDAprima and AIDAsol had become the first two ships in the AIDA fleet to be simultaneously powered by LNG. In August 2019, AIDA signed an agreement with Corvus Energy to install battery storage systems for the electrification of their ships. In October 2019, AIDA announced that it would test a new fuel-cell technology for large-scale cruise ships aboard the AIDAnova as early as 2021.
2018年12月,AIDAnova首次亮相,这是第一艘完全由液化天然气(LNG)供电的邮轮。2016年5月,AIDAprima和AIDAsol成为AIDA船队中首批同时由LNG供电的两艘船。2019年8月,AIDA与Corvus Energy签署了一项协议,为船上的电气化安装电池存储系统。AIDA在2019年10月宣布,它将最早于2021年在AIDAnova上为大型邮轮测试一种新的燃料电池技术。
AIDA's Helios-Class cruise ships
AIDA's newest class of cruise vessels (succeeding the Hyperion-Class ships AIDAprima and AIDAperla) is called "Helios-class".
AIDA的最新邮轮级别(接替Hyperion级的AIDAprima和AIDAperla)被称为“ Helios级”。
Helios-Class cruise

These are LNG-powered cruise ships produced by Meyer Werft, with gross tonnage 183,900 GT and passenger capacity 5200 (lower berths / 6600 max). The first of the new vessels (AIDAnova) was delivered in December 2018, while the second (AIDAcosma) is scheduled for 2021-Q1. On February 27, 2018, Carnival Corporation signed a shipbuilding contract for a 3rd AIDA ship (scheduled delivery in 2023). 
这些是由迈尔船厂(Meyer Werft)生产的液化天然气驱动的邮轮,总吨位183,900 GT,载客量5200(下卧铺/最大6600)。首艘新船(AIDAnova)于2018年12月交付,而第二艘(AIDAcosma)计划于2021-Q1交付。2018年2月27日,嘉年华公司签署了AIDA第三艘船的造船合同(预定于2023年交付)。
Each vessel has 21 cabin categories (including Penthouse Suite, Family and Single-occupancy staterooms), 17 restaurants (including self-serve, a-la-carte priced and 5 speciality), sports deck / deck 16 (water park with 1 slide, mini-golf course, ropes course), pool deck (will retractable glass roof and beach-club complex), 2-deck / 2-level Promenade Deck (connected via stairs).
每艘船有21个客舱类别(包括顶楼套房,家庭和单人客舱),17个餐厅(包括自助式,单点定价和5个特色菜),运动甲板/甲板16(带1张滑梯的水上乐园, 迷你高尔夫球场,绳索课程),泳池甲板(可伸缩的玻璃屋顶和海滩俱乐部综合体),2层/ 2层海滨长廊(通过楼梯连接)。
AIDA cruise ship robots
An innovative AIDA and Costa Cruises program implemented the latest cyborg technology fleetwide. Humanoid robots (named Pepper) greet and guide passengers upon embarkation. They also assist them throughout the cruise by providing information and tips on shipboard dining, entertainment, pre-scheduled events, shore excursions, and tours.
AIDA和Costa Cruises在全船队中采用了最新的机器人技术。人形机器人(名为Pepper)在登机时向乘客致意并引导乘客。机器人还能提供有关船上就餐,娱乐活动,预定活动,海岸游览和旅行的信息和提示,在整个航行过程中为游客提供帮助。

Peper robots are able to communicate in 3 different languages (English, German, Italian), to move fluidly and even to interpret human emotions by analyzing voice tones and face expressions.

AIDA's LNG-powered liners
The AIDAprima ship's first successful test run for LNG supply was in Hamburg Germany on May 7, 2016. While berthed, the ship was successfully provided with LNG at all the itinerary's ports of call (Hamburg, Rotterdam, Le Havre, Southampton, Zeebrugge).
Company's statistics show that the AIDA ship spends about 40% of its operating time in ports. Compared to using conventional marine diesel (0,1% sulfur content), by using LNG the vessel's emissions were considerably reduced even further - Sulfur oxides and soot particles were prevented completely (while in port), nitrogen oxide emission was reduced by up to 80%, CO2 emissions were lowered by 20%.
公司的统计数据显示,AIDA邮轮运营时间的40%左右是用于港口的, 与使用常规船用柴油(硫含量为0.1%)相比,通过使用液化天然气,船舶的排放量进一步降低了——这充分防止了硫氧化物和烟尘颗粒(在港口期间),氮氧化物的排放最多降低了80 %,二氧化碳的排放量降低了20%。

AIDA ships use just 3 liters (0,8 US gallons) of fuel on average per person on board for a 100 km (62 ml) trip. This was confirmed by an independent expert study in 2012. Thanks to the use of new technologies and the economical handling of resources, additional progress was made. Company's statistics for 2016 showed 9% less energy used per person on board, reduced water consumption per person on board (by 7,2%) and reduced CO2 emissions (by 7,7%).

In August 2019, AIDA contracted the Candian stock-listed company Corvus Energy for delivery and installation fleetwide of world's largest ship battery-package ESS (Energy Storage System / air-cooled system with patented single-cell thermal isolation). Orca ESS (Corvus Energy's biggest battery pack) has capacity 6100 kW per hour - or double the capacity of currently largest battery-packed (electric) ferries. 
2019年8月,AIDA与加拿大股票上市公司Corvus Energy签订了合同,在全球范围内交付和安装全球最大的船用电池组ESS(储能系统/具有专利单电池热隔离的风冷系统)。Orca ESS(Corvus能源公司最大的电池组)每小时的容量为6100 kW,是目前最大的电池组(电动)渡轮的容量的两倍。 












第100期:新船预览——神秘邮轮 世界领航者



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