
嘉年华邮轮Mardi Gras 来咯!

发表于 2020-12-23 12:01:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Carnival Cruise Line’s new Mardi Gras made its first port call this morning in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, where the ship will refuel with Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) for the first time after delivery.

在今天上午,嘉年华游轮公司的新Mardi Gras号在荷兰鹿特丹进行了首次停靠,在交付后,该船将首次在那里补充液化天然气(LNG)*

Mardi Gras 在荷兰鹿特丹

The Mardi Gras, set to begin sailing from Port Canaveral, Fla., next year, will be the first cruise ship in the Americas to be powered by LNG, making history.

Mardi Gras 将从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔港出发。它将成为美洲第一艘以液化天然气为动力的游轮,创造了邮轮的历史。

Carnival said the Mardi Gras is equipped with four medium speed LNG engines that will be run in port and at sea. The ship can operate for two weeks between refuelings, which will happen in Port Canaveral.

嘉年华表示,Mardi Gras 配备了四台中速液化天然气发动机,将在港口和海上运行。这艘船在卡纳维拉尔港加油之间可以运行两周。


The Mardi Gras, which was delivered to Carnival last week at the Meyer Turku shipyard in Finland, is scheduled to depart Rotterdam tomorrow and then sail to Barcelona, Spain, before making its eventual arrival in the U.S.  The ship’s inaugural voyage from Port Canaveral is scheduled for April 24, 2021.

“嘉年华”号于上周在芬兰的Meyer Turku造船厂交付给嘉年华,计划明天从鹿特丹出发,然后驶向西班牙巴塞罗那,最终抵达美国。“嘉年华”号从卡纳维拉尔港出发的首航定于2021年4月24日。

*科普小知识:LNG 液化天然气

液化天然气(Liquefied Natural Gas,简称LNG),主要成分是甲烷,被公认是地球上最干净的化石能源。无色、无味、无毒且无腐蚀性,其体积约为同量气态天然气体积的1/625,液化天然气的质量仅为同体积水的45%左右。其制造过程是先将气田生产的天然气净化处理,经一连串超低温液化后,利用液化天然气船运送。液化天然气燃烧后对空气污染非常小,而且放出的热量大,所以液化天然气是一种比较先进的能源。未来的邮轮船只将会大量地使用LNG能源来为保护环境贡献一份力量。

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