
《大酒店》五月封面故事: 心向暖阳 逐光而行 ——专访上海环球港凯悦酒店总经理唐沢雨寧女士

发表于 2021-5-6 17:58:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Firm and Forward-looking: 

The Pursuit of Continuous Success

--Exclusive Interview with Ms. Amane Karazawa,

General Manager of 

Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor


心向暖阳 逐光而行


五月,春色撩人,宜出游,宜见好友。趁着五月春光,大酒店传媒团队来到上海环球港凯悦酒店,再见好友唐沢雨寧女士。去年五月,以她的专访开启了《大酒店》的2020,诠释了 长风破浪终有时,直挂云帆济沧海。时隔一整年,我们再次邀约,听她讲述这一年酒店背后的故事。

May is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s go out and see friends”. As spring is in the air, the Grand Hotel Media editors paid a visit to Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor to meet up with an old friend, Ms. Amane Karazawa. Our last May edition started with an exclusive interview with Amane, who shared her vision for the bright future despite challenging times, a true interpretation of Li Bai’s poem, “A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves. I'll set my cloudlike sail to cross the sea which raves.” So here we sit again with the seasoned hotelier and hear her tell the story of the hotel in the past year.


Ms. Amane Karazawa embarked on her hospitality career with sheer passion for the industry after graduating from the Department of Media and Communication of Tokai University in Japan. In her over 18 years of experience in hotel management, she has worked across a number of international brands. In 2019, Ms. Karazawa was appointed General Manager of Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor, shouldering new responsibilities in overseeing its overall operations and management. In less than 2 years, she has led the Shanghai-based luxury stay to become one of the most popular and recognized hotels of Hyatt Hotels Corporation.


The sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 shook the hotel industry hard. Last May, however, when we came to Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor, it was entirely a different scene, as the place was bustling with life and events. A reassuring and morale-boosting message to the industry, the strong performance of the hotel was a ray of light into the gloomy times. One year later, we now reunite at the same place, witnessing the business being equally vibrant and prosperous. “We had managed to regain 80% of the monthly revenue in normal times by last May. This year, we have exceeded the set target for the first quarter. While there are some banquet orders canceled due to the pandemic, our team is sorting out ways to compensate. UP to now, we are among the top Hyatt performers in Shanghai in terms of occupancy rate. I am very pleased with what we have achieved so far.” Ms. Karazawa briefs us on the current status of the hotel.

面对紧缩的酒店市场,唐沢女士在吸引原有客流的同时,选择强强联手 品牌合作的方式,积极在其他领域开拓客源。去年,酒店进行了各类跨界合作,其中包括携手Ferragamo香水打造了「馥郁香泽」主题自助下午茶,无限量的各式甜品惊艳味蕾,在城市天际线与高贵优雅相邂逅;酒店还与I Do珠宝共同呈现了「爱的甜蜜界」主题下午茶,品味甜蜜浪漫的永恒之美,度过惬意的午后甜美时光。今年,酒店延续品牌合作,多方共赢的做法。“4月份,酒店与上海国际车展进行合作,提供外烩服务,合作方覆盖兰博基,雷克萨斯,沃尔沃,福特,红旗,极狐六大汽车品牌;5月份,酒店联合星巴克、雀巢品牌,将在酒店1楼搭建。酒店临近多条地铁,客流量较大。客人无论是短暂停留,还是候车等人,都能就近有个休息之处。唐沢女士介绍道。她表示流量固然重要,但酒店并不是无选择进行引流。在品牌合作时,会真正地站在客人的角度考虑是否能为客人带来便利服务,同时也会考虑品牌的调性是否与酒店相符。只有双方契合,才能发挥1+1大于2的效果。除了严格挑选合作品牌外,上海环球港凯悦酒店也注重自身品牌,塑造品牌IP,以此不断提升品牌形象。酒店之前推出的亲子主题房大中华寻宝记,为携带儿童出游的家庭提供童趣非凡的入住体验,深受长三角家庭客人的欢迎。

Faced with a tightening market, Ms. Karazawa proactively chose collaborations with other strong-performing brands to attract guests from other sectors, while maintaining traditional guest relations. Last year, the hotel carried out various crossover projects. In a collaboration with the Perfumes & Fragrances of Salvatore Ferragamo, the hotel culinary team offers a spring-floral-themed afternoon tea set featuring all kinds of savory desserts, highlighting luxury and elegance complemented by the astounding views of the city's skyline. The hotel also co-hosted the “Sweet Love and Oath” afternoon tea with iDo Jewellery, a romantic design to celebrate the best time of the day for those in love. In 2021, the hotel team continues building on the collaborative efforts, working closely with a number of brands to create win-win partnerships. “In April, the hotel worked with Automobile Shanghai to offer catering service to 6 major automobile brands, including Lamborghini, Lexus, Volvo, Ford, Hongqi, and Arcfox. In May, collaborating with Starbucks and Nestle, the hotel will set up pastry boutique on the ground floor, where travelers may rest when staying for a short while or waiting for a car or friends since the hotel is adjacent to multiple metro lines with heavy passenger flow.” Ms. Karazawa explains. According to the GM, while bringing in more customers is important, the hotel selects partners prudently, putting itself in the shoes of guests to evaluate potential values and convenience cooperation may generate. Styles and characters of future partners are also carefully examined since only a good match achieves a greater synergy of “one plus one equals more than two.” Apart from executing sensible collaborations, Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor attaches great importance to its brand development with IP creation and promotion so that it can build a strong brand image in the market. The family room featuring the theme of “Treasure Hunting in China” offers an excellent experience to those who travel with children and has been popular among guests from the Yangtze River Delta.


Improving product and service awareness is the first step to occupy a market. A veteran hotel professional, Ms. Karazawa understands well only with multi-channel communications, marketing segmentation and continued innovative marketing can a hotel keep its competitive advantages. “We work with foodie influencers in live streaming to improve our visibility in the market, fully use the social media impacts to turn our hotel restaurants into must-go destinations among internet celebrities, and even promote product sales live on TV shopping channels and top OTA platforms. This gives more exposure and drives the revenue. We boost growth with integrated resources across sectors, create more touchpoints that resonate with consumers, and enhance our brand image. At the same time, we actively check on marketing methods adopted in other industries and carry out case studies to innovate our marketing strategies on a constant basis.” 


The year 2020 has confronted the hotel industry with an unprecedented challenge with the market going through a process of “survival of the fittest”. Those who fail to adapt to changes will gradually be eliminated. Reform and innovation remain one of the crucial drivers that allow Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor to keep its dominant position, and the root cause for reform and innovation comes from market demand. The GM explained, “I, along with my team, watch closely, via a variety of ways, how the market changes. For example, the younger generations love using Red and TikTok, from which we draw inspiration to renovate our facilities and curate activities for various holidays and festivals. In addition, we also focus more on personalized services to our guests. We observe the nuances in their needs, and offer more personalized options.”


Ms. Karazawa was awarded Female Leader of Outstanding of the Year on the 14th Grand Hotels Media Award Ceremony & VIP Gala Dinner in 2020. Throughout our conversation, we are impressed by her outstanding leadership. No matter what times the hotel faces and what difficulties there have been, the whole team manages to emerge as passionate, resilient, collaborative, and highly effective, with each member devoted to their clearly allocated roles. While the team is very efficient, thanks to the GM’s exceptional vigor and leadership, each individual enjoys respect and care from their leader so that they can be true to themselves and give full play to their capacity.


 As Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor continues to grow steadily in the past year, Ms. Karazawa remains elegant, strong-willed, and confident as always, a frontrunner in the industry capable of bringing visions to reality. The character and charisma of the general manager, to a great extent, embody the level of service of the hotel they manage. We believe under the leadership of Ms. Karazawa, Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor will continue its strong development momentum in the future.


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