

发表于 2022-8-30 21:02:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Suide stone carving forms are various, Suide stone carving scenic spots also have their own characteristics. Among the seven categories of stone carving technology, the most important and wonderful one is the "lion" culture series represented by the stone lion, and the Lions Group Bridge is undoubtedly the representative work of the "lion" culture series.


The Lions Group Bridge is located in the urban area of Suide County. It was built in 1987 above the Wuding River and it is more than 300 meters long. The reason why it is called the Lions Group Bridge is that there are 1008 lifelike stone lions with different expressions on the guardrail posts on both sides of the bridge and around the pavilions at both ends of the bridge. This is the largest stone lion group in China, so it has become an epic landmark in Suide County. It is also the throat of Xi 'an-Baotou section of National Highway 210 and the most important transportation hub in Suide.


The Lions Group Bridge is a reinforced concrete structure. The project started on October 10, 2012 and was completed on October 31, 2013. After the renovation, the width of the whole bridge reaches 30 meters, realizing the two-way four-lane traffic goal, and the traffic capacity has increased several times than the original. The implementation of the widening and reconstruction project of the Lions Group Bridge is of great significance to smooth urban traffic, facilitate people's travel and speed up logistics and transportation. Even it is important to the construction of the sub-central cities.


The size for big as several feet or small only two or three inches in the Lions Group Bridge. And it weighs from 10 grams to 30 tons. The stone lions on the bridge are of various shapes, standing, walking, squatting, lying, climbing, rolling, soaring, leaping, hugging and so on. The stone lions persue a likeness not only in appearance, but also in spirit.Their inner world is very rich.They have joy,anger,sorrow and happiness,and they are playful, alert, aggressive, tame, astute, greedy and modest.


The baby stone lions are naive,lively and grinning, young stone lions are intimate, like a pair of lovers.And the stone lions in the prime of life endure humiliation with dignity and aim high. The old stone lions understand the true meaning of life after vicissitudes of life. The male lions are full of pride and domineering,and the female lions take good care of her cubs, which reflects the great maternal love in the world.


There is a light blue sand rock in Suide County and It is called blue stone by people. This kind of stone is soft, delicate and easy to carve. Suide stone carving was first used to make some daily necessities of stone tools, and later it was used as sacrificial supplies in ancestral temples. Then, Suide stone carving became a specialized production of stone carving arts and crafts.


Stone carving is regarded as the art of Suide men, which not only continues the tradition of stone carving in Suide,but also shows the intelligence of Suide men. Although there are many stone lions in the Lions Group Bridge, each work has a story and a theme, which are closely related to social life.Such as "Mother Love""Children Without Deceit" and so on.


This is not only a huge group of stone carving artworks, but also a colorful and beautiful world. People's true tears and joy of love are engraved on thousands of stone lions. Suide men's broad mind and lofty ambition are engraved on thousands of stone lions, and a pioneering entrepreneurial history is engraved on thousands of stone lions. And the essence of thousands of years of Loess Culture has been publicized in thousands of lions.



审核丨刘一静 李瑞静









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