

发表于 2022-9-10 15:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


1. Only tourists visit the Spanish Steps in Italy1、在意大利,只有游客才会去西班牙广场The major tourist hotspots in any city are often (wrongly) believed to only attractforeigners - but during the off season, many locals will visit theiconic structures, as well.人们错误地认为,那些城市的热门景点仅仅是外国游客的聚集地。但是在淡季的时候,许多本地人同样会去当地的标志性建筑游玩

2. Norway is an Arctic country2、挪威是北极地区的国家As one of the places in the world where you can spot the Northern lights, many travellers wrongfully assume that the entire country is located in the polar region.作为世界上可以观赏到极光的地方之一,许多游客想当然地认为挪威整个国家都处于极地。In actuality, it's really only the Svalbard islands that are in the Arctic area.而事实上,只有斯瓦尔巴特群岛在北极圈内。

3. Westerners are restricted from travelling to Iran3、禁止西方人到伊朗旅游As of 2014, Americans, Britons and Canadian citizens are all required to obtain visas before entering Iran.自2014年起,美国、英国和加拿大公民都必须经过签证才能进入伊朗。But that's not to say that they can't visit - they just need to do so as part of a guided tour.但这并不代表他们就去不了,只不过他们需要有向导。

4. It's illegal for Americans to visit Havana4、法律禁止美国人前往哈瓦那While there was a long period of discontent between the two nations, Americans are now legally able to enter Cuba.虽说两国之间有过长时间的紧张关系,但现在美国人可以合法地进入古巴境内了。4. It's illegal for Americans to visit Havana

5. In Australia, kangaroos roam the streets and everyone lives in the Outback5、在澳大利亚,袋鼠会在路上随处游荡,而且所有人都住在内陆地区If you have never been to Australia, you might think that koalas and kangaroos are easily found round every corner.如果你从没去过澳大利亚的话,你可能会认为那里的考拉、袋鼠随处可见。In reality, however, the only place that a tourist is likely to run into one of the two iconic animals is at the zoo or during a desert trek.但实际上,游客只有在动物园里或是沙漠地带才会遇见这两种当地特有的动物。And 90 per cent of Aussies are actually urban dwellers and don't live in the country's famed Outback.并且澳大利亚90%的人都是城市居民,他们可不住在内陆。

6. Visiting Thailand is basically like stepping onto the set of The Hangover, Part 26、去泰国旅行就堪比踏入《宿醉2》的片场Sure, in some major metropolitan areas, like Bangkok, it is possible to partake in andexperience some of the party sequences featured in the film.当然,在像曼谷这样的都市中心地区,还是可以瞥见电影中的一些派对场景。But, many Thais, especially in more rural areas, do consider themselves to be more conservative.但是大多数泰国人,特别是在乡村地区的,还是偏向于保守的。

7. Women must wear a headscarf while travelling through the Middle East7、女人们在中东旅行必须戴头巾This one really depends on where you are.这取决于你要去哪里。In Saudi Arabia, for example, which is one of the most conservative of the Muslim countries, women are expected to be covered up most of the time. Headscarves will also definitely be required of anyone visiting a mosque.比如沙特阿拉伯就是个比较保守的穆斯林国家,在那里,女性在大多数时候都要包裹着全身。如果要拜访清真寺的话,每个人都必须穿戴头巾。But in Dubai or Morocco, lounging in a bikini at your hotel is generally acceptable - simply cover your shoulders and knees and skip the tight clothing when you're heading out on the town.但是在迪拜或者摩洛哥的话,在酒店房间穿着比基尼闲逛也是没有问题的。要出门的话,只要遮住肩膀和膝盖,不穿紧身衣就可以了。

8. It’s unsafe to take the subway at night in New York City8、晚上在纽约乘坐地铁不安全In reality, there are thousands of people travelling at all hours on the city's MTA, so there's rarely anything to be concerned about.实际上,不论什么时候,这座城市都会有成千上万的人乘坐地铁。因此没有什么可担心的。However, one should always be aware of certain streets, neighbourhoods and subway stops that may be less busy during those off-peak hours.不过某些街道、居民区及地铁站在非高峰时段就没有那么繁华了,这时候就要提高警惕。

9. Parisians are unfriendly and rude9、巴黎人粗鲁、不友好The French have definitely garnered an unfair reputation when it comes to the city being home to rude locals.法国人有着待人粗鲁的名声,这对他们来说绝对是不公平的。After all, you can certainly encounter unpleasant people anywhere that you go.毕竟不管你到哪里,都会遇上讨厌的人呀。Generally, Parisians are quite friendly and helpful to tourists, but always remember to at least attempt to speak French initially - a little effort will go a long way!基本上,巴黎人对游客还是很友好、很乐于助人的。但请记住,至少努力尝试在对话的开头说法语。一点点的努力就会让谈话变得容易起来。

10. German people put towels on sunbeds first10、德国人喜欢先把毛巾铺在日光浴床上Contrary to the stereotype, it’s actually British holidaymakers who are most likely to hog the sunbeds on holiday.与这个刻板印象相反的是,英国的度假者才更喜欢霸占日光浴床

11. There are no toilets in Turkey11、土耳其没有厕所Some of the country's rural areas may be a bit more primitive, but it's rare to find any sort of squat toilet in the more modern parts of the country.土耳其的一些乡村地区也许会更原始一点,但在更现代化的一些地方,已经很少会看到蹲式厕所了。Istanbul, for example, is every bit as updated as many parts of Europe.比如伊斯坦布尔的任何方面都和欧洲大部分地方一样先进。It's safe to stay you'll be able to find a Westernised loo there.所以放心吧,你会找到西式厕所的。

12. The Egyptian Pyramids are in the middle of the desert12、埃及金字塔在沙漠中心Many photos that are taken of the pyramids in Giza are done so from a certain angle or relatively close up, which make it seem like they're in the middle of nowhere.许多吉萨金字塔的照片都是特写或是特殊角度的照片,所以看上去它们处于一望无际的沙漠中央。Actually, they're located just a stone's throw from the bustling city.而其实它们离市区只有几步之遥。

13. Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen13、白金汉宫是英国女王的御用住所Tourists flock to London to see Buckingham Palace and take in a changing of the guards ceremony.往来的游客们聚集在伦敦白金汉宫前,观赏守卫的换岗仪式。And while the Queen does technically live in the luxury residence in the central part of thecity, Windsor Palace in Berkshire is her official residence.然而,虽然女王的确在市中心有豪华的住所,不过波克夏的温莎城堡才是女王本尊的真正住所。It's also the largest occupied castle in the world.这也是世界上最大的有人居住的城堡。

14. The Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure visible from space14、中国长城是在太空中唯一可见的人类建筑Yes, China's Great Wall is the world's longest, but, contrary to popular belief, it's actually not visible from space.没错,中国长城确实是世界上最长的建筑,但和人们的普遍认识不同的是,在太空中并不能看见长城。This discovery was made in 2003 by Yang Liwei, a Chinese astronaut, who clarified such a misconception.2003年,中国航天员杨利伟澄清了这个误解。Since then, schools have vowed to take this fact out of their textbooks.从此以后,学校承诺将这一项从教科书中删除。

15. Toronto is the capital of Canada15、加拿大首都是多伦多As Canada's largest city and it's financial centre, it's easy to understand where this particular belief comes from.作为加拿大最大的金融中心,这样的误解也是很正常的。But, the country's capital is actually Ottawa, which is located some 450km away.但是,加拿大的首都其实是渥太华,大概离多伦多有450公里。Toronto is the provincial capital of Ontario.而多伦多是安大略省的首府。











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