香港理工大学学生洲际酒店集团上海支持中心 沉浸式体验之旅 去年 2 月 28 日,洲际酒店集团与香港理工大学酒店及旅游管理学院(SHTM)正式签署了战略合作协议,致力于将严谨的学术研究与行业实践相结合,旨在培养具有全球视野的酒店业未来领袖。近日,洲际酒店集团以其开放与前瞻的姿态,迎接了香港理工大学酒店及旅游业管理学院环球酒店业管理硕士项目师生一行,他们来自世界各地, 涵盖了三大洲的11个不同国籍。IHG在促进这种国际交流中的角色突显了其作为全球酒店管理领袖的地位。 这次由IHG 早期职业生涯管理团队组织的交流之旅不仅是合作愿景实现的关键一步,更是理论与实践相融合的桥梁。 The dynamic world of hospitality education and industry collaboration witnessed a significant milestone with the partnership between IHG and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM). This alliance, established on February 28 last year, marks a concerted effort to fuse academic rigor with real-world industry exposure, aiming to broaden students' horizons and cultivate the next generation of hospitality leaders.
In the spirit of this collaboration, IHG took a progressive step by welcoming students from SHTM's Joint Program to its Shanghai Supporting Center. The cohort participating in this partnership is notably diverse, consisting of graduates from top international hospitality and business schools, representing 11 different nationalities across three continents. IHG's role in facilitating such an international exchange underscores its position as a global leader in hotel management, reflecting its commitment to fostering multicultural and inclusive leadership.
参观过程中,IHG大中华区发展营销总监祝一尘为学生们深入讲述了IHG在大中华区的战略布局,展示了集团如何在激烈的市场竞争中保持领先。在由首席人力资源总监郑芸主持的与IHG大中华区高管们的深度对话中,首席运营官邱尤、商务副总裁蒋韡以及人力资源副总裁乐静娜与学生们进行了面对面的交流。这场对话不仅让学生们有机会直接向行业资深人士提问,还提供了超越课堂教学的行业洞察和经验。 Organized by IHG Greater China Early Career team, students experienced a memorable visit during their stay. They gained practical insights during a session led by Yichen ZHU, IHG’s Development Marketing Director for Greater China, who detailed IHG's competitive advantages within the region. A leadership dialogue moderated by Maggie ZHENG, Head of HR, Growth, Employer Branding and Early Careers, Greater China, with senior executives Jerome QIU, Chief Operating Officer of Greater China, Rita JIANG, VP of Commercial in Greater China, and Gina YUE, VP of HR in Greater China further deepened the students' understanding of IHG’s strategic development and operations in China.
The immersive visit not only solidified IHG's commitment to nurturing talent but also significantly bolstered its employer brand within the hospitality industry. This strategic partnership with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University exemplifies the synergistic potential of academia and industry joining forces to shape the future of hospitality leadership.
As IHG and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University continue to foster this pioneering partnership, the initiative stands as a testament to the transformative power of collaborative education in preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the global hospitality landscape.
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