

发表于 2020-6-10 16:23:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Rethinking policework: Congress responds
How America’s politicians will respond to public fury over the killing of George Floyd is becoming clearer. The House Judiciary Committee starts hearings today on police brutality and will listen to, among others, Philonise Floyd, Mr Floyd’s brother. Earlier this week the Democrats proposed a “Justice in Policing” act that would ban officers from using chokeholds and make it easier to prosecute them for misconduct. It is a delicate moment for Democratic leaders. Donald Trump casts himself as a defender of law and order. He judges that middle-of-the-road voters care more about defending police departments than reforming them. Republicans, who control the Senate, are unlikely to pass strong police reforms, if any. Some on the left of the Democratic Party talk of “defunding” the police, which Joe Biden, the party’s presidential nominee, opposes. But in the end, what politicians say in Washington may matter less than the changes individual cities and police departments enact.
['fjʊə.ri] ■extreme anger 暴怒;狂怒
House Judiciary Committee
司法委员会; 众议院司法委员会
['hɪə.rɪŋ] ■an official meeting that is held to collect the facts about an event or problem 听证会;公听会
[bru:'tæl.ə.ti] ■behaviour that is very cruel or violent showing no feelings for others, or an act of this type 残酷,残忍行为
['tʃəʊkˌhəʊld] n. 掐脖子; 压制
[ˈprɒsɪkju:t] vt. 检举;贯彻;从事;依法进行
['del.ɪ.kət] ■a situation or matter, etc. that needs to be dealt with carefully in order to avoid trouble or offence 微妙的形势/问题/时刻等
■describes a person, organization, opinion or type of entertainment that is not extreme and is acceptable to or liked by most people 温和路线的;多数人能接受的,为大众所喜爱的
[ˌnɒm.ɪ'ni:] ■someone who has been nominated for something 被提名者
Rethinking policework: Congress responds
How America’s politicians will respond to public fury over the killing of George Floyd is becoming clearer. The House Judiciary Committee starts hearings today on police brutality and will listen to, among others, Philonise Floyd, Mr Floyd’s brother. Earlier this week the Democrats proposed a “Justice in Policing” act that would ban officers from using chokeholds and make it easier to prosecute them for misconduct. It is a delicate moment for Democratic leaders. Donald Trump casts himself as a defender of law and order. He judges that middle-of-the-road voters care more about defending police departments than reforming them. Republicans, who control the Senate, are unlikely to pass strong police reforms, if any. Some on the left of the Democratic Party talk of “defunding” the police, which Joe Biden, the party’s presidential nominee, opposes. But in the end, what politicians say in Washington may matter less than the changes individual cities and police departments enact.
对于公众对乔治·弗洛伊德被杀的愤怒,美国的政客们将如何回应,这一点越来越清楚了。众议院司法委员会今天开始就警察暴力行为举行听证会,并将听取弗洛伊德的兄弟Philonise Floyd的意见。本周早些时候,民主党提出了一项治安正义法案,该法案将禁止警察使用扼喉器,并使起诉他们的不当行为更加容易。对民主党领导人来说,这是一个微妙的时刻。唐纳德特朗普(Donald Trump)把自己塑造成法律和秩序的捍卫者。他认为,相对于改革警察部门,中间派选民更关心的是保卫警察部门。即便是实施改革,控制参议院的共和党人不太可能通过强有力的警察改革。民主党的一些左翼人士谈到要撤资警察,而民主党总统候选人乔拜登(Joe Biden)则反对这一点。到头来,华盛顿的政客们言论可能不及各个城市和警察部门的所作所为有影响。

The world in brief

10 06 2020


The French government unveiled a €15bn ($17bn) rescue plan for its aerospace industry, including loan guarantees and measures to protect jobs, as well as lending already promised to Air France. Meanwhile Hong Kong’s government will take a 6% stake in Cathay Pacific as part of a $5bn rescue package. IATA, the airline industry’s global body, predicted the sector will lose $84bn this year because of the pandemic.
■If you unveil something new, you show it or make it known for the first time (首次)展示,介绍,推出;将公诸于众
■a share or a financial involvement in something such as a business 股本,股份


Britain’s government backtracked on an earlier promise to get all children in England back into their primary schools before the end of term. Teachers had opposed the idea, arguing that it would have been impossible to maintain social distancing. Instead, schools will make their own judgments as to whether to admit more children than the few who were allowed to return last week.
■to go back along a path you have just followed 走回头路,原路返回
■to say that you did not mean something you said earlier or say that you have changed your opinion 收回说法;改变意见


cast light on sth
■to provide an explanation for a situation or problem, or information that makes it easier to understand 使更易理解;有助于说明
•The discovery of the dinosaur skeleton has cast light on why they became extinct.恐龙骨架的发现使人们对于恐龙灭绝的原因有了一些认识。
cast a spell 
■to use words thought to be magic, especially in order to have an effect on someone (尤指为对某人产生效力而)施魔法,念咒语;使入魔
figurative At 17 jazz cast its spell on me (= I started to like it very much).17岁的时候对爵士乐着了迷。
be cast in the same mould
■to be very similar in character to someone else 如出一辙;非常相似
•Everyone who works for that firm seems to be cast in the same mould.为那家公司工作的人好像都是从一个模子里造出来似的。
cast sb/sth aside/off
■to get rid of someone or something 抛弃;摆脱;把丢在一旁
•You must cast aside all thoughts of revenge.你必须打消所有报复的念头。

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