

发表于 2020-9-1 19:57:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






近日,洲际酒店集团和保利酒店管理有限公司共同宣布胡腾先生(Mr. Tim Hooton)为洲际酒店集团中国南区区域总经理兼佛山保利洲际酒店总经理。








IHG and Poly Hotels are very delighted to announce the appointment of Mr. Tim Hooton as new General Manager for InterContinental Foshan and the Regional General Manager for South China.

Mr. Hooton is an experienced General Manager of over 20 years, with IHG for 12 years including over 4 years with Area General Manager responsibility. He has significant experience in China spending the last 7 years of his career in Shenzhen. 

Mr. Hooton is an energetic leader who continually looks for improvement, inspiring the team achieve their goals in all aspects of the business. He has a proven track record of delivery of results in quality, revenue, RGI, employee engagement and profitability. A truly experience leader whose successes are underpinned by a pre General Manager career that includes experience of leading food and beverage, kitchen, and rooms teams.

On joining the hotel Mr. Hooton commented “I am extremely excited to be joining such a well renowned hotel and look forward to being part of the hotel’s future success”. We strongly believe that we will achieve higher business goals compatible with unique guest experience under his outstanding leadership.





Recently, Anthony Zhou has been appointed as the General Manager of Hilton Chongqing Liangjiang New Area. This hotel is expected to open at the end of 2020.

Anthony’s career in hospitality spans 24 years, having worked in Shenyang, Sanya, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Putian, Quanzhou and Tianjin. He worked in multiple international hotel chains, including Shangri-La, Marriott, IHG and Sofitel. He started his Hilton career journey in 2012 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Putian as the Director of Operations and was then promoted to General Manager role at the same property in 2014. Anthony continued to provide the leadership for the pre-opening of the Hilton Quanzhou in 2016 prior to joining Hilton Tianjin Eco-city in December 2017.Prior to this appointment, he was the General Manager of Hilton Tianjin Eco-City over two & half year. 

We strong believe, with his rich opening & trading experience, he will bring new vitality into Chongqing market.







白智琛先生热衷于阅读,进取精神一直鞭策他不断学习,他通过eCornell继续学习,并且在业余时间攻读MBA。同时,作为一位对社区和社会拥有高度责任与使命感的酒店人,他积极投身于社区建设,用实际行动回馈社会,服务社群,坚持致力于支持企业社会责任(CSR),与酒店团队一起携手社区开展有关活动以促进当地社区和文化的发展 。


Joseph Beck has been appointed general manager of Cordis, Beijing Capital Airport.  A veteran hotelier with more than 25 years of experience, Joseph is responsible for the strategy and day-to-day operations for the Cordis hotel in Beijing.

A British national with over 25 years’ experience across pre-openings, operations and food and beverage, Beck was most recently the general manager of Cordis Dongqian Lake where he led the team at the group’s first resort since pre-opening.  

Beck says, "I am delighted to be back to Beijing again and I look forward to leading Cordis, Beijng Capital airport into one of the top hotels in the city.  I am proud to be part of this great team and excited to work together to strengthen the hotel’s performance and visibility in the market."

“I believe in passing on my experiences to the next generation of hospitality talents and am committed to nurture my team and develop their skills and careers at the hotel.”  

A big believer in giving back to the community, Beck strongly supports corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and enjoys working with the hotel teams to be involved in activities that support and promote local communities and culture.

One who enjoys learning about different cultures, Beck has worked in diverse locations around the world, from China, Thailand, Indonesia, Macau, Abu Dhabi, Malaysia, and St Lucia in the Caribbean with Marriott, Shangri-la, Mandarin Oriental and other well-known global hotel companies.

Beck is a British and holds a BA Arts (Honors) in International Hospitality Management from the University of Central Lancashire in the UK. He also enjoys photography where he aims to capture the sights and sounds of destinations around the world.


近日,深圳同泰万怡酒店正式任命孙彦彬先生(Andy Sun)出任酒店总经理一职。孙彦彬先生拥有逾18年的酒店业工作经历,在酒店运营、市场营销战略、餐饮创新以及团队建设等方面都有着成熟的见解和独到的理念。他将全面负责酒店的整体运营管理、绩效和战略方向工作,带领酒店全体员工进一步贯彻万怡(Courtyard)品牌“设身处地为他人着想”的服务信念。




It is delighted to announce the formal appointment of Mr. Andy Sun as General Manager for Courtyard by Marriott Shenzhen Northwest recently. Mr. Andy Sun has more than eighteen years of working experience in hospitality industry, who has mature insight and unique ideas in areas such as hotel operations, marketing strategies, food and beverage innovation and team building. He will be fully responsible for overall operation of the hotel, performance measures and strategical targets.

Mr. Andy Sun started his hotel career in Front Office, who took office in several well-known brand hotels in China, holding various crucial managerial positions in front office, Room Division and Administration in Marriott, Accor and Hilton, he is well versed in the market trends of domestic hospitality industry.

Mr. Andy Sun devises strategies within a command tent for overall operation of hotel, he is skillful in inspiring team and strongly executive, having a good leadership as well. Under his guidance, we are looking forward to leading all the staff of the hotel, helping Courtyard by Marriott Shenzhen Northwest to create better travel experience for our guests, and finally realize the brand ideal of "moving forward with passion".


丽江金茂璞修·雪山酒店正式任命张靖妍女士(Ms. Amanda Zhang)为酒店经理。



近日,金茂三亚亚龙湾希尔顿大酒店宣布顾苏鑫(Arthur Gu)为酒店经理,并向希尔顿海南北区区域总经理孙金鹏先生(Jim Sun)汇报。




 Hilton recently announced the appointment of Arthur Gu as Hotel Manager of Hilton Sanya Yalong Bay Resort & Spa. Arthur will report to Jim Sun, Area General Manager of Hilton Hainan North Area.


In mid-2018, Arthur joined Hilton Sanya Yalong Bay Resort as Commercial Director. Since then, he continuously led the commercial team to expand market share and achieve great business performance. Due to the fact that Hilton Sanya Yalong Bay Resort’s General Manager position has been vacant since October 2019, Arthur took the lead and enabled the hotel to go through the Covid-19 epidemic period smoothly, and he also captured every opportunities to recover the hotel business, which is ramping up since April.

Arthur started his career with Hilton from 2014 as pre-opening Commercial Director of Hilton Wenchang.  He then transferred to Conrad and DoubleTree by Hilton Haitang Bay Complex in the same position at 2nd quarter of 2016, where he successfully led the team to exceed revenue targets in both 2017 & 2018. 



近日,丽江复华丽朗度假酒店任命和丽波先生为酒店副总经理,在原有负责市场销售部门运营基础上,协助酒店总经理负责酒店日常运营管理。和丽波先生拥有超过 8年的五星级酒店从业经验和专业销售背景,在温德姆,凯悦,铂尔曼,安纳塔拉等国际品牌酒店担任销售管理职位,并在酒店营销战略分析、会议与团队、收益分析、在线管理等板块拥有丰富经验。



Recently, Libre Resorts Lijiang appointed Sparrow He as the deputy general manager. Based on the original operation of the Marketing and Sales Department, he also assists the general manager to manage hotel daily operation. Mr. Sparrow He has more than 8 years of experience in the five-star hotels and professional sales background. He held sales management position in Wyndham, Hyatt, Pullman, Anantara and other international brand hotels. As well as he has rich experience in hotel marketing strategy analysis, MICE analysis, revenue analysis, OTA management.

Sparrow He joined Libre Resorts Lijiang as the Director of Marketing and Sales in August 2018. He has overall responsibility for hotel Sales & marketing. The sales team he led achieved the first place of team meeting comprehensive income index, all sectors overfulfilled the budgets and other outstanding achievements. Successfully positioned the hotel as a market leader, expanding corporate loyalty and unique local experience, leading the hotel to win a number of hotel industry awards. It is believed that with rich experience and innovative thinking, Mr. Sparrow He will lead whole hotel team to meet more opportunities and challenges, Creating more brilliant achievements.









近日,北京三里屯通盈中心洲际酒店任命金义龙(EY KIM) 先生为酒店行政助理经理兼市场销售总监,全面负责酒店市场销售部的经营管理工作, 为这座地标性的酒店带来崭新灵感。














Mr Roger Zhu has joined Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Longgang City Centre as EAM - Sales & Marketing recently.


Roger started his hospitality career since 1999. He has over 20 years experience in sales and marketing and worked in different hotel group such as Shangri-La、Marco Polo、Hyatt、Accor, etc. Before this appointment, he was the Director of Sales & Marketing at Fairmont Chengdu. In his spare time, Roger like to keep fit and travel.


In this new role, he will work together with S&M team to improve hotel overall revenue and accomplish a new level of achievements in MICE, C&E and leisure market by his rich experience, keen market insight and excellent leadership. 


近日, 杭州泛海钓鱼台酒店任命杨赟霞女士为行政助理经理,负责市场销售部,全面负责该酒店的市场与营销运作及管理。




Ms. Karen Yang has been recently appointed to the position of Executive Assistant Manager of Diaoyutai Hotel Hangzhou, fully in charge of sales & marketing department’s operation. 

Ms. Yang has over 18 years working experience in Hotel Sales Industry. As Director of Sales & Marketing, Ms Yang has rich experience in Radisson, Sofitel,Marriott and Shangri-La Hotels. Before she joined Diaoyutai Hotel Hangzhou, Ms. Yang worked as Director of Sales & Marketing of Midtown Shangri-La Hotel Hangzhou. Based on the rich experience and exceptional leadership skill, Ms. Yang created impressive performance for the hotel she worked. 

She will lead the team continue to make more good performance and make the hotel be the bench mark of local market. 




戴超先生在酒店管理行业拥有超过15年的丰富工作经验,近期六年均在区域办公室工作,有着洲际酒店集团大中华区和Expedia Group的总部职业经历。他的酒店职业生涯起始于喜达屋旗下酒店前厅部门,后转入宴会销售部开拓自己更广阔的职业平台。戴先生之后加入了万豪集团担任苏州和北京两家万丽酒店的销售总监,与团队一起成功的筹备了酒店的开业。随后,他在希尔顿旗下的度假和商务等三家酒店相继担任了市场销售总监一职。

2014年,戴超先生于上海的洲际酒店集团大中华区总部担任大中华区区域销售部销售总监,带领两个区域十人的团队为集团在大中华区域的销售及市场开创优异的业绩。在加入杭州君悦酒店之前,戴先生在Expedia Group大中华区管理全球及区域酒店集团总部的分销战略合作关系。


Mr. Deane Dai has been appointed as Executive Assistant Manager i/c Sales & Marketing of Grand Hyatt Hangzhou on 24 August 2020.

Deane brings 15 years experiences in hospitality industry particularly with his recent six years at regional level with IHG and Expedia Group. He commenced his career at Front Office with Starwood then transferred to Catering & MICE Sales. He joined Marriott as opening Director of Sales for two Renaissance hotels in Suzhou and Beijing respectively. Subsequently he was taking up his Director of Sales & Marketing roles in three properties with Hilton including Resort destination and Business Hotel.

In 2014, Deane advanced his journey to take up the role as Director – Business Travel leading two regional teams of 10 with Regional Sales Office, IHG Greater China based in Shanghai. Prior to his new assignment with Hyatt, Deane was working with Expedia Group, managing its Lodging Strategic Partnership with Global/Regional hotel chain headquarters in Greater China region.

A native of Suzhou, Deane is currently in his last year of MBA study. He firmly believes “if you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way”.



董浩然女士毕业于瑞士格里昂酒店管理学院 酒店及人力资源管理专业,持有荣誉学士学位。2013年作为集团领袖培训生加入济南凯悦酒店并完成了各部门的交叉培训。2014年起,自人力资源部副理开始,逐步成长为人力资源部经理。在加入宁波杭州湾凯悦酒店之前,她顺利地完成了凯悦新兴领导人计划。


Ms. Vivi Dong has been selected as Human Resources Director of  Hyatt Regency Ningbo Hangzhou Bay, effective from 30th March, 2020.

Vivi graduated from Glion Institute of Higher Education, Switzerland with bachelor degree in Hospitality and HR Management, Honors with Distinction. She started her Hyatt journey as CLT in Hyatt Regency Jinan with completion of all departments’ rotation and advanced her career from Assistant Manager to HRM. Prior to joining Hyatt Regency Ningbo Hangzhou Bay, Vivi successfully completed Emerging Leader Program.

Vivi will assist the team and continue to be committed to delivering Hyatt Purpose – Advancing Care to all associates, to creating an environment full of Fun and Respect, making every associate grow together within Hyatt.


近日,深圳君悦酒店任命赵杰(Mr. Chris Zhao)为房务部总监,他将全面负责房务部的运营及管理工作。







Mr. William Huang has been selected as Director of Rooms  of Hyatt Regency Ningbo Hangzhou Bay, effective from 07th September, 2020.

William graduated from University of New England, Australia with bachelor degree in Hospitality Management and started his career as Assistant Front Office Manager of the Courtyard, Suzhou. He joined Hyatt Regency Suzhou in 2015 and then was promoted to Front Office Manager of Hyatt Regency Xiamen Wuyuanwan thereafter. His most recent posting was as the Assistant Director of Rooms at Hyatt Regency Fuzhou prior to joining Ningbo Hangzhou Bay.

"Team is the foundation of success, and execution is the key to success.“ It is the working philosophy that William has been living and breathing.  Wish him all the success leading the Rooms team to make persistent efforts and march forward bravely in his new appointment.


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