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刘鑫旺, 万德成. 豪华邮轮多航速兴波阻力的船型优化[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 1-10,40.

 LIU Xinwang, WAN  Decheng. Hull form optimization of wave-making resistance in different speeds  for a luxury cruise ship. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2020, 15(5):  1-10,40.


封培元, 吴永顺, 冯毅, 熊小青. 吊舱推进豪华邮轮在波浪中的功率增加预报试验研究[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 11-16. 

FENG Peiyuan, WU  Yongshun, FENG Yi, XIONG Xiaoqing. An experimental prediction method of power  increases of a cruise ship with podded propulsion in waves. Chinese Journal  of Ship Research, 2020, 15(5): 11-16.


王晓强, 李鹏. 基于SOLAS  2020概率破舱稳性要求的中型邮轮优化措施研究[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 17-24,56.

 WANG Xiaoqiang, LI  Peng. The improvement measures of medium-sized cruise ships based on SOLAS  2020 probabilistic damaged stability requirements. Chinese Journal of Ship  Research, 2020, 15(5): 17-24,56.


顾雅娟. SOLAS  2020破舱稳性要求对邮轮船型开发的影响研究[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 25-30. 

GU Yajuan. The impact of  SOLAS 2020 damaged stability requirement on the conceptual design of cruise  ships. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2020, 15(5): 25-30.


张涛, 蔡薇, 张天奇, 丁芳芳, 龚鑫鸿. 基于多学科融合的邮轮总布置设计机理探究(一)[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 31-40. 

ZHANG Tao, CAI Wei, ZHANG  Tianqi, DING Fangfang, GONG Xinhong. Mechanism study of cruise ship general  arrangement design based on multidisciplinary integration: Part 1. Chinese  Journal of Ship Research, 2020, 15(5): 31-40.


李茹钰, 秦飞, 裘馥榕. 基于共享理念的邮轮服务设计研究[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 41-48. 

LI Ruyu, QIN Fei, QIU  Furong. A sharing concept-based cruise service design. Chinese Journal of  Ship Research, 2020, 15(5): 41-48.


张玉梅, 吴启锐, 黄山, 黄佳欣, 赖刚. 融入中国元素的邮轮功能空间与外形设计实践[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 49-56. 

ZHANG Yumei, WU Qirui,  HUANG Shan, HUANG Jiaxin, LAI Gang. Integrating characteristically Chinese  cruise ship functional space and appearance with design and practice. Chinese  Journal of Ship Research, 2020, 15(5): 49-56.


郑刚强, 王相君, 罗蕾. 基于中国文化底蕴的邮轮造型设计风格探索[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 57-62. 

ZHENG Gangqiang, WANG  Xiangjun, LUO Lei. Exploration of cruise ship design style based on Chinese  cultural connotations. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2020, 15(5): 57-62.


程永胜, 徐骁琪, 陈国强. 基于品牌意象的游艇造型设计方法[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 63-68,89. 

CHENG Yongsheng, XU  Xiaoqi, CHEN Guoqiang. Yacht modeling design method based on brand image.  Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2020, 15(5): 63-68,89.



冯寒亮, 刘逸飞, 刘峰. 美国海军全舰电磁脉冲模拟器发展综述[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 69-78.

 FENG Hanliang, LIU Yifei,  LIU Feng. An overview on the development of the U.S. navy full ship  electromagnetic pulse simulators. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2020,  15(5): 69-78.


唐旭英, 万国宾, 付斌, 韩先锋, 赵志颖. 一种基于传输零点插入的多通带频率选择表面[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 79-84.

 TANG Xuying, WAN Guobin,  FU Bin, HAN Xianfeng, ZHAO Zhiying. A surface for zero-insertion transmission  multi-passband frequency selection. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2020,  15(5): 79-84.


燕秀林, 段冰, 张新刚. 基于遗传算法的余割平方波束天线优化设计[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 85-89. 

YAN Xiulin, DUAN Bing,  ZHANG Xingang. Optimization design of cosecant square beam antenna based on  genetic algorithm. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2020, 15(5): 85-89.


薛庆雨, 武珅, 顾湘男, 翟树成. 冰阻塞诱导的连体涡空泡及其发生机理分析[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 90-95. 

XUE Qingyu, WU Shen, GU  Xiangnan, ZHAI Shucheng. Analysis on the mechanisms of propeller-hull vortex  cavitation induced in ice block environments. Chinese Journal of Ship  Research, 2020, 15(5): 90-95.


张磊, 周志勇, 张雨新, 黄少锋. 基于数值模拟的螺旋桨吸气及水动力性能研究[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 96-101,113. 

ZHANG Lei, ZHOU  Zhiyong, ZHANG Yuxin, HUANG Shaofeng. Propeller ventilation and hydrodynamic  performance based on numerical simulation. Chinese Journal of Ship Research,  2020, 15(5): 96-101,113.


窦雨芮, 周其斗, 纪刚, 刘文玺. 声速剖面主导的浅海声传播最佳深度规律研究[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 102-113. 

DOU Yurui, ZHOU Qidou,  JI Gang, LIU Wenxi. Study on the influence of sound speed profiles on the  optimum depth of shallow water acoustic propagation. Chinese Journal of Ship  Research, 2020, 15(5): 102-113.



刘婧, 王德禹. 基于SMOTE算法和动态代理模型的船舶结构可靠性优化[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 114-123.

 LIU Jing, WANG Deyu.  Reliability-based design optimization of ship structure using SMOTE algorithm  and dynamic surrogate model. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2020, 15(5):  114-123.


黄立为, 魏成柱, 陈炉云, 梁晓锋, 易宏. 三体船新型分布式连接桥结构强度分析[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 124-131. 

HUANG Liwei, WEI  Chengzhu, CHEN Luyun, LIANG Xiaofeng, YI Hong. Structural strength analysis  of dispersed cross-deck of trimaran. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2020,  15(5): 124-131.


杨弋, 孔祥韶, 袁天, 吴卫国. 基于数字图像方法的加筋板屈曲失效路径试验研究[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 132-140.

 YANG Yi, KONG  Xiangshao, YUAN Tian, WU Weiguo. Experimental study on the buckling failure  process of stiffened panel based on 3D-DIC method. Chinese Journal of Ship  Research, 2020, 15(5): 132-140.


王凡超, 王福花, 吴剑国, 李钧晖, 郑杰瑜, 陈沈. 多设备长条形基座的螺栓受力确定方法[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 141-146. 

WANG Fanchao, WANG  Fuhua, WU Jianguo, LI Junhui, ZHENG Jieyu, CHEN Shen. Bolt force  determination method of multi-equipment long-strip base. Chinese Journal of  Ship Research, 2020, 15(5): 141-146.


张春辉, 张磊, 赵海江, 胡易舟, 李海涛. 基于聚类分析的舰船冲击环境区域划分方法[J].中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 147-153. 

ZHANG Chunhui, ZHANG  Lei, ZHAO Haijiang, HU Yizhou, LI Haitao. Zone division method of ship shock  environment based on cluster analysis. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2020,  15(5): 147-153.


吴崇建, 雷智洋, 徐鑫彤, 王晴, 王春旭. 螺旋桨低频振动声辐射特性研究-水母效应[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 154-160. 

WU Chongjian, LEI  Zhiyang, XU Xintong, WANG Qing, WANG Chunxu. An analysis of low-frequency  propeller vibration and sound radiation characteristics: The Jellyfish  effect. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2020, 15(5): 154-160.


王路才, 周其斗. 桨叶振动对螺旋桨垂向激励下潜艇结构振动与声辐射的影响[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 161-166. 

WANG Lucai, ZHOU Qidou.  The effect on the vibration and acoustic radiation of the whole submarine due  to the vibration of propeller blades under vertical excitation. Chinese  Journal of Ship Research, 2020, 15(5): 161-166.


柯李菊, 刘成洋, 方智. 基于COMSOL的组合空腔结构声学覆盖层的声学性能分析[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 167-175,182. 

KE Liju, LIU  Chengyang, FANG Zhi. COMSOL-based acoustic performance analysis of combined  cavity anechoic layer. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2020, 15(5):  167-175,182.


周强, 王青山, 钟锐. 阻振结构在甲板结构低频隔振中的应用研究[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2020, 15(5): 176-182. 

ZHOU Qiang, WANG  Qingshan, ZHONG Rui. Application research of vibration isolation structure in  low-frequency vibration isolation of deck structure. Chinese Journal of Ship  Research, 2020, 15(5): 176-182.






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