
Park Hyatt Sanya Sunny Bay Resort | 三亚太阳湾柏悦酒店

发表于 2020-10-30 16:30:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Park Hyatt Sanya Sun Bay Hotel is created by Jean Michel gathy, a Belgian designer from the internationally renowned hotel design company denniston, known as the "design master". It is designed with the concept of "private Bay mansion". It is composed of six post-modern buildings. It sits in the lush garden and makes full use of the advantages of valley and dense forest Guests enjoy the full range of intoxicating scenery.

三亚太阳湾柏悦酒店由来自国际知名酒店设计公司 Denniston 的比利时设计 师,素 有“设计大师”之称的 Jean Michel Gathy 匠心打造,以“私家海湾府邸”为概念设计,由六栋后现代风格的大楼组成,坐落在郁郁葱葱的园林之中 ,充分利用山谷与密林的优势,让 宾客欣赏全方位的醉人美景 。

Located in a 6-storey hotel building, Chinese style retro and modern simplicity are connected, and multi-layer sensory experience is presented with artistic details. More than 1300 pieces of global artworks are collected in the hotel, and the latest works in Chinese and foreign art fields are collected. The ingenious design of the hall level masters gives a taste of appreciation.

位于酒店一栋6层中式复古与现代简约贯通多层感官体验,以艺术细节诉深浅 。全酒店珍藏一千三百多件全球艺术品,典藏中外艺术领域的新潮之作,殿堂级大师匠心设计,回味鉴赏之趣 。

Experience the finest in luxury hotel stays at Park Hyatt Sanya Sunny Bay Resort, with only 205 guestrooms and villas across the 70,000-square-metre (753,474-sq-ft)property, you could spend an entire holiday at Park Hyatt Sanya Sunny Bay Resort and feel as if you have had the place to yourself. Measure 62 squaremetres (667 sq ft), most of our guestrooms enjoy breathtaking ocean views from panoramic windows stretching from one side of the room to the other, further extended by perpendicular mirrored glass at one side, creating the impression of a 270-degree view. Also, we have family-friendly items available.  

于静谧海湾私享雅适并俱的艺术空间。三亚太阳湾柏悦酒店面积达七万平方米,却仅设有205间客房、套房及别墅。客房面积始于62 平方米,部分客房设有阳台。精致简约的室内装饰诉说着微妙的东方雅韵。海景房全景窗从房间一端延伸到另一端,将壮丽海景尽收眼底,并由垂直镜面玻璃继续延伸,构成 270 度全景视角的视觉效果。酒店为家庭客人精心提供专属儿童礼遇,旨在营造舒适惬意的度假氛围。

—— Tea House 茶苑

—— Pool House Exterior 悦厅外景

—— Pool Bar 池畔吧

—— Terrace 观景台

Welcome to contact us for more details !



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