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Celebrity Cruises is a cruise line headquartered in Miami, Florida and a wholly owned subsidiary of Royal Caribbean Group. Celebrity Cruises was founded in 1988 by the Greece-based Chandris Group, and merged with Royal Caribbean Cruise Line in 1997. Celebrity's signature logo is an "Χ" displayed on the funnel of Celebrity ships, and is the Greek letter chi, for "Chandris".

名人邮轮是一家总部设在佛罗里达州的迈阿密的邮轮公司,是皇家加勒比集团的全资子公司。Celebrity Cruises由希腊的Chandris集团于1988年创立,并于1997年与皇家加勒比邮轮公司合并。名人邮轮的标志性商标是标注在邮轮侧边的“Χ”,同时用希腊字母chi表示“ Chandris” 。


Chandris Group (1988-1997)



Celebrity Cruises was founded in April 1988 as a subsidiary of the Greece-based Chandris Group to operate upmarket cruise ships to Bermuda. Chandris had been involved in cruise traffic since the 1960s, and during the late 1980s the company operated in the United States market under the brand name Chandris Cruises. Chandris Fantasy Cruises targeted the lower end of the cruise passenger market, with fleets consisting of second-hand ocean liners. Celebrity Cruises came into existence when, in April 1988, Home Lines, at the time one of the world's leading premium cruise lines, was sold to Holland America Line. Home Lines' ships had held two of the five contracts offered by the Government of Bermuda to cruise lines, giving the ships priority berthing arrangement and unlimited access of sail to the islands in exchange for the ships sailing to Bermuda between April and October each year. Although these contracts were highly valued, Holland America Line decided to withdraw the former Home Lines ships from this service, leaving an opening for two new ships to gain access. Chandris wanted to acquire the contracts, but the Government of Bermuda was only willing to award them to upmarket cruise lines, which Chandris Fantasy Cruises was not.

Celebrity Cruises成立于1988年4月,是希腊Chandris集团的子公司,经营前往百慕大的高档邮轮。从20世纪60年代起,Chandris公司就开始涉足邮轮业务,在80年代后期,该公司以Chandris Cruises品牌在美国市场上运营。最初,Chandris Fantasy Cruises的目标市场是邮轮中的低端业务市场,其船队由二手远洋邮轮组成。1988年4月,当时世界领先的豪华邮轮公司之一Home Lines被荷美邮轮(Holland America Line)收购,名人邮轮的诞生也是由此开始。当时百慕大政府公司向邮轮公司提供的五份合同中,“Home Lines”公司拥有两份合同,合同给予船只优先靠泊和无限制航行至群岛的权力,但要求邮轮每年4月至10月航行至百慕大区域。尽管这些合同价值不菲,荷兰美洲航运公司还是决定将原来的Home Lines公司的船只撤出这项服务,这样就有了两艘新船的空白。Chandris Cruises想要获得这些合同,但百慕大的政府公司只愿意将合同授予高端邮轮公司,而Chandris Fantasy Cruises的经营范畴不属于高端邮轮业务。

In order to gain the Bermuda Government contracts, Chandris created Celebrity Cruises and immediately began negotiating with the Bermuda Government in April 1988. As a result of the negotiations, Celebrity Cruises was awarded the contract for two ships for a five-year period beginning in 1990 In order to fulfill the contract, Chandris Fantasy Cruises' Galileo was rebuilt at Lloyd Werft, Germany in 1989, re-entering service as Meridian for Celebrity Cruises in February 1990. As the second ship Horizon, that had been ordered in 1988 as a replacement for Amerikanis in the Chandris Fantasy fleet, was transferred to Celebrity Cruises fleet, entering service in May 1990. 

为了获得百慕大政府的合同,Chandris Cruises创建了名人邮轮,并于1988年4月开始与百慕大政府谈判。最终,名人邮轮公司获得了两艘邮轮的合同——从1990年开始,为期五年。为了履行合同,Chandris Fantasy Cruises邮轮公司的伽利略号于1989年在德国的Lloyd Werft船厂重建,并于1990年2月重新成为名人邮轮公司的Meridian号。第二艘在1988年订购的“地平线”号,后来被转移到名人邮轮旗下,并于1990年5月开始运营。

Royal Caribbean Group (1997-present)


In 1997, the Chandris family sold their interests in Celebrity Cruises to Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, leading to the formation of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. (later Royal Caribbean Group) . During the same year Celebrity Cruises took delivery of the first Century class vessel, Century, that was followed by Galaxy in 1996 and Mercury in 1997. Following the delivery of the Mercury, the Meridian was sold to Singapore-based Sun Cruises. Between 2000 and 2002 Celebrity took delivery of a quartet of new ships, the gas turbine-powered and aptly named Millennium class ships Millennium, Infinity, Summit and Constellation. The Celebrity Expeditions sub-brand was launched in 2001 with the acquisition of Celebrity Xpedition, a small boutique ship offering specialized cruises around the Galápagos Islands. 

1997年,Chandris家族将其在Celebrity Cruises的股份出售给皇家加勒比邮轮公司,从而组建了皇家加勒比邮轮有限公司(后称皇家加勒比集团)。同年,Celebrity Cruises交付了世纪级的第一艘船Century号,紧随其后的是1996年的Galaxy号和1997年的Mercury号。交付了Mercury号后,Meridian号被出售给了新加坡的Sun Cruises。在2000年至2002年之间,Celebrity交付了四艘由燃气轮机驱动的新邮轮,并被命名为Millennium级的Millennium号、Infinity号、Summit号和Constellation号。Celebrity Expeditions子品牌是在2001年收购Celebrity Xpedition后推出的,Celebrity Xpedition是一艘小型精品邮轮,专门提供加拉帕戈斯群岛周围的邮轮服务。

Celebrity Millennium

In 2006, plans were made to transfer Blue Moon and Blue Dream from the fleet of Pullmantur Cruises to Celebrity Cruises under the names of Celebrity Quest and Celebrity Journey. The ships would have joined the Celebrity Expeditions sub-brand, but in the end the decision was made to form an entirely new line, Azamara Cruises, to operate these ships in 2007. Also in 2007 the Zenith was transferred to Pullmantur Cruises. In April 2010, The Celebrity Summit reposition yearly to New Jersey and offers cruises to Bermuda.

2006年,计划将Blue Moon号和Blue Dream号从Pullmantur Cruises船队转移到Celebrity Cruises,并改名为Celebrity Quest和Celebrity Journey。原本这两艘船会加入名人的探险邮轮品牌,但最终名人邮轮决定组建全新的产品线Azamara Cruises,并于2007年运营这些船。同样在2007年,Zenith被转让给Pullmantur Cruises。2010年4月,每年的名人峰会重新定位至新泽西,并提供前往百慕大的邮轮服务。

In 2007-2008, all of Celebrity Cruises' ships were renamed with a "Celebrity" prefix added to the pre-existing ship names. Celebrity Solstice, the first ship in the new Solstice-class, was delivered to Celebrity on 24 October 2008. In May 2009 Galaxy was transferred to the fleet of TUI Cruises, a joint venture between Celebrity Cruises' owner Royal Caribbean Group and TUI AG and renamed as Mein Schiff. 

2007年至2008年期间,所有Celebrity Cruises的船都被重新命名,并在先前的船名上添加了“ Celebrity”前缀。全新的“冬至级”邮轮的第一艘船Celebrity Solstice号于2008年10月24日交付给名人邮轮。2009年5月,银河被转让给TUI Cruises的船队,后者是Celebrity Cruises的所有者皇家加勒比集团与TUI AG的合资企业, 后来更名为Mein Schiff。

In April 2015, Celebrity's oldest ship at the time, the Celebrity Century, departed the fleet.


On 4 December 2014, Celebrity Cruises signed of a letter of intent for a new class of vessels. The two 2,900-guest, 117,000 GT ships, will be developed under the project name EDGE and will build upon the brand's Millennium-class and Solstice-class vessels. The company took delivery of the first Edge-class vessel, the Celebrity Edge, on 31 October 2018, and expects to receive the second Edge-class vessel, the Celebrity Apex, delivered in the early part of 2020.

2014年12月4日,Celebrity Cruises签署了新船类别的意向书。两艘可搭载2,900名乘客、117,000GT总吨的EDGE邮轮得以开发,并将以千禧级和冬至级船为基础。名人邮轮于2018年10月31日获得了Edge级的第一艘船Celebrity Edge号。

Celebrity Edge Tour

In December 2014, Lisa Lutoff-Perlo, a 32-year veteran of Celebrity Cruises, was promoted to President and Chief Executive Officer, making her "the first woman to be named CEO of a major cruise line".

2014年12月,在名流邮轮公司工作了32年的丽萨·卢托夫-佩罗(Lisa Lutoff-Perlo)被提升为总裁兼首席执行官,她是“首位被任命为大型邮轮公司首席执行官的女性”。

On 14 March 2016, Celebrity Cruises announced the planned acquisition of Galápagos Islands tour operator Ocean Adventures and its two ships, the 48-guest M/V Eclipse (now Celebrity Xperience) and the 16-guest catamaran M/C Athala II (now Celebrity Xploration). The move expanded Celebrity's guest capacity in the Galápagos by 65 percent.

2016年3月14日,Celebrity Cruises宣布计划收购加拉帕戈斯群岛旅游运营商Ocean Adventures及其两艘船,即48名客人的M/V Eclipse(现为Celebrity Xperience)和16名客人的双体船M/C Athala II(现为Celebrity xplative)。此举使名人邮轮在加拉帕戈斯群岛的客流量增加了65%。

Galapagos Islands

Celebrity Xploration

Celebrity Xperience

In July 2018, the company announced its intention to invest more than $500 million to refurbish all Millennium-class and Solstice-class ships in the company's fleet between 2019 and 2023.

















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