Musical Theatre · Music · Dance
音乐剧从心灵深处唤醒学员的气质与灵感,而马术也强调用心去传达语言和沟通,iStage Academy x 上海爱久马术俱乐部再次携手,一次由内而外对于气质的塑造机会,一次零距离感受音乐剧和马术两种精英课程火花碰撞的机会!
In this 6-day immersive musical theatre adventure, students will have a unique opportunity to dive into the foundations of triple-threat performing arts in an idyllic setting, getting inspiration from the laidback lifestyle of the charming Chongming Island.
故事以20世纪初的美国西南部俄克拉荷马小镇生活为背景,描述了勤劳的拓荒者们质朴而热情的生活和劳动。极具当地风格的音乐如Country, Bluegrass以及Americana等,深刻改变了音乐剧的舞蹈理念,另外该剧把大量类似中国传统舞蹈的排舞、踢踏舞和方块舞融入剧情,更是影响了之后的音乐剧舞蹈创作。“俄克拉荷马”虽有11个版本问世,却从未在中国上演,而这次的夏令营中,你将参演到这部传奇剧目中!The big musical production of the course, "Oklahoma", is a landmark of Broadway history, representing the birth of modern musical form through the genius of Rodgers & Hammerstein (composers of "The Sound of Music" and "Cinderella").
This Summer camp is a fantastic way to learn about the history of Musical Theater and, at the same time, the American culture of the early 1900s, by immersing into outdoor activities and countryside life exploration.
Students will learn about the music representing Southern USA, such as Country, Bluegrass and Americana, and will understand the dance styles with plenty of Line Dance, Clogging and Square Dance resembling the modern outdoor traditions in China. The musical experience will be connected to horse-riding activities, enabling students to make the most of the countryside surroundings and to breathe plenty of fresh outdoor air while developing their skills.
iStage Academy x 爱久马术俱乐部,强强联手打造高端课程,仅16席位 iStage Academy成立6年,累计为近2000个孩子打开了音乐剧世界的大门,长期和沪上各大国际学校、双语学校合作,提供校内课程和课后课程。爱久马术俱乐部2015年年底开业以来一直专注于障碍场地马术、赛事承办,是中国最具知名度和影响力的马术连锁品牌之一。 A collaboration between two highly reputable organizations in performing arts and equestrian, only provides 16 spots. Established in 2016, iStage Academy has offered performing arts programs focusing on musical to over 2000 students at own campuses, meanwhile, it is also a recognizable service provider to many international and bilingual schools in Shanghai. As one of the most influential equestrian clubs in China, Aijiu Equestrian Club has been promoting the professionalism and development of equestrian sports since its establishment in 2015.
超值精英课程组合,全程五星级标准 浸入式6*4小时音乐剧学习,更将体验到户外音乐剧课程;所有马术课程均为精英1对1私教课 ,9*45分钟独享课程时间。崇明金茂凯悦酒店五星级住宿和餐食,生活老师1:6全程照料学员日常起居。 High quality program combining musical theatre and equestrian with a five star standard accommodation and meals. The combined program aims to provide 9 sessions PRIVATE equestrian class and 24 sessions musical theatre class. Other benefits includes accommodation at Hyatt Regency Chongming, club insurance, 1:6 ratio of supporting teachers and students to make sure the campers are comfortable and safe.
荷兰国家级马术教练领衔,上海综合排名第一的马术教练团队护航 爱久马术俱乐部是上海市马协副会长单位 、上海市竞技体育后备人才社会培养基地、国家/上海现代五项队训练基地,将由上海综合实力排名第一的强大的教练团队全程指导教学工作,保障学员安全学习。 Aijiu Equestrian Club is Shanghai Equestrian Association Vice President Unit, Shanghai Social Training Base for Talents Pool of Competitive Sports, Chinese/Shanghai Modern Pentathlon Training Base, the camp will be directed by the most powerful coach team in Shanghai and the safety is considered thoroughly. 结营授予骑士勋章,音乐剧最具潜力表演者奖杯! 在马术的授勋仪式上,每位学员将独立完成夏令营的马术结营展示,并接过荣耀的骑士勋章。 在音乐剧的最终表演上,学员将和团队一起完整“俄克拉荷马”音乐剧剧演出,我们将根据学员的表现赠与音乐剧最具潜力表演者奖杯! Arewarding showcase with medal and trophy ceremony. Each camper will have the chance to showcase the equestrian skills they have learnt with a medal granted to celebrate the completion of the the camp. Meanwhile, campers will work together to bring the musical "Oklahoma" to life as well as to win a trophy! 精彩的营期活动 观摩马术障碍表演赛、专业音乐剧赏鉴、跟五星级酒店大厨学习制作点心等。 Camper will have chances to enjoy some extra fun activities, such as equestrian obstacle show, baking class with the chef from Hyatt Regency hotel, fruit picking and many more.
Polish personality and character, improve posture.Improve physical and mobility coordination.Enhance level of confidence.Have a taste of a program provided by many private schools.Increase decision making ability.
活动时间:2022年7月31日-8月5日,6天5晚; 5月1日后恢复原价,2人同时报名各减RMB300元,3人同时报名各减少RMB500元; -营期内所有课程的专业老师、专业教练费用,生活老师费用;-iStage校服,马术装备(马匹、马术头盔、马术服装使用费);
Camp Date: 2022/07/31-2022/08/05;Age Group: 8-16 years old;16 spots full residential camp.
Early Bird till April 30, 2022: RMB15,380;From May 1, 2022, campers will get RMB300 off for a group of two, RMB500 off for a group of three and up.Edgar Cardoso 葡萄牙音乐剧演员/钢琴家 在加入iStage之前,Edgar在圣三一学院(伦敦)和阿兹塞太平洋大学(拥有百年历史的世界级顶尖私立大学,加州排名第五)担任歌剧、音乐剧团声乐教练和合作钢琴家。是世界巡回音乐会钢琴家,在国际比赛中获得50多个奖项。他的教学风格深受iStage学员和家长的欢迎。Edgar has worked at Trinity Laban Conservatoire(London) and Azusa Pacific University(Los Angeles) as a vocal coach and collaborative pianist in both Opera and Musical Theatre programs. He studied classical music in Germany, Portugal, UK and USA(BMus, MEd, MMus, ArtDip) and became a world-touring concert pianist with 50 prizes in international competitions.Hendrik Maarten 荷兰国家级马术教练来自荷兰的国家级马术教练马腾先生从事马术障碍骑手以及教练工作45年,曾获2次1300,140级别欧洲国家杯冠军,由于其多个学生在大奖赛中表现突出入选国家队,马腾更是5次获得国家队最佳教练奖。Dutch Equestrian Federation Certified International Coach.Won the European Equestrian Championship Gold Medal twice.Won the National Best Coach Award five times.
位于崇明岛的金茂凯悦酒店,从上海市中心出发驱车约1小时即可轻松抵达。酒店以现代中式风格为整体设计基调,与周边生态环境自然融合。Venue: Discover an unparalleled retreat in Hyatt Regency Chongming, located in the east end of Chongming Island, China's third largest island. Every guestroom is connected to a spacious balcony.
根据学员性别安排两人一间入住崇明凯悦客房,升级豪华床单和床上用品的睡床,生活老师定时查房照料每个学员的生活起居。 Accommodation: Every two campers share a double room.
酒店五星级大厨主厨悉心照料学员的每日餐食,口味纯正的各式佳肴,带来愉悦的舌尖享受。 Meals: Hotel buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner provided by hotel executive chef.
学员们每天学习以及练习的场所,是设置在酒店内部的一个国际标准马术训练场。The venue for students to practice every day is an international standard equestrian training ground set up inside the hotel.
音乐剧: 破冰游戏,即兴表演练习,声乐技巧,专注于音乐剧的歌舞表演训练; 马术: 理论课程,了解什么是马术。马上训练,熟悉马背上的感觉,放松地与马匹频率共振。
Musical Theatre: Ice breaking; physical and vocal warming up; song and dance work. Equestrian: Introduction of equestrian. Be familiar with the feeling of the horseback riding.
音乐剧: 表演技巧,如何塑造角色,提升对角色的诠释能力;专注于音乐剧的歌舞表现训练; 马术: 掌握平衡,分离并协调对手与腿部肌肉的控制。练习跟随马匹起坐,学会观察马匹情绪的传导机制。
Musical Theatre: Acting technique, characterization; Act via song and dance. Equestrian:
Keep the balance. Practicing of up and down on the horseback.
音乐剧: 声乐技巧提升,通过反复练习来实现对音调、发声、姿势和支撑力的练习;专注于音乐剧的歌舞表演训练; 马术: 独立控马,学习向马匹传递信号,建立人和马之间的信任感;通过马匹对自己的信任来领导马匹,完成简单路线。
Musical Theatre: Vocal technique: to improve pitch, articulation, posture and support. To integrate song, dance and acting.
Control the horse independently. Lead the horse to take a simple road.
音乐剧: 舞蹈技巧,探索不同类型、风格的音乐剧舞蹈;专注于音乐剧的歌舞表演训练; 马术: 带领马匹完成较为复杂的路线及走地杆;进一步加强复杂情况下对马匹的掌控,学会应对马匹在不同挑战下的反应。
Musical Theatre:
Dance technique, explore different musical dance styles; song, dance and acting integration. Equestrian:
Lead the horse to take a complicated road. Having the deeper understanding of the horse control.
音乐剧: 剧目联合彩排; 马术: 结营表演彩排。
Rehearsal. 音乐剧: 剧目彩排,汇报演出; 马术: 成长收获集结,结营展示,授勋仪式。
Musical Theatre: Rehearsal and performance with trophy granting ceremony;
Equestrian showcase with medal granting ceremony.
行程告知:入营前需要提供学员及监护人的随申码和14天出行行程码; 生活保障:所有学员入营后,即由生活老师统一管理; 餐食保障:由上海崇明金贸凯悦酒店为此次夏令营提供全程餐食,三餐分餐制,保障每位学员的用餐安排; 保险保障:全程商业保险。
Safety and Health: Campers and their guardians are required to provide the healthy code and 14-day travel code before entering the camping site; Daily Support: Supporting teachers will take good care of the campers daily life; Meals: All meals will be provided by Hyatt Regency Chongming Hotel during the duration of the camp; Insurance: Full commercial insurance.
1. 最低8人开班,7月1日前未达最低开班人数,全额退回学费。 The minimum number of students is 8. If our camp doesn’t meet the minimum number of required students, we will offer a full refund.
2. 夏令营属于固定假期课程,无法提供请假和补课的机会,请谅解。 The summer camp schedule is fixed. There will be no make-up classes offered.
3. 家长在报名时订的营期,如果之后因为行程需要调整,在该营期正式开始前1个月,我们提供1次更改营期的机会,或者可以为您将费用保留至常规课。1个月之内更改营期,您可以将名额自行转让。 No refund can be provided for personal reasons. If you are not able to attend the camp and notify us at least one month in advance, you may swap to another available session or use the camp fee as part of the tuition fee for our regular class. This can only be done once. If the notification is less than one month before the start date of the camp, there will be no refund, but you may transfer the spot to your friend. 1. 微信 WeChat:ISA_2016, istageacademy; 2. 联系电话 Tel:021-5072 5172; 3. Email:info@istageacademy.com。
Pudong Puxi
iStage Academy是一家国际性双语表演艺术机构,重视创新研发表演艺术课程大纲,提供每位学员全面系统的学习机会。我们的课程包括全年龄段音乐剧、音乐剧技巧、剧团课,还包括不定期举办的国内外音乐剧院校导师、音乐剧明星大师课等,在课程中激发学员的表演激情和天赋,进阶提升表演能力。
iStage Academy is an independent, bilingual Performing Arts organisation, providing high-level musical theatre training for all age groups. Our program includes triple threat training, musical theatre technique training, production rehearsal, performances, school projects and performing arts related workshops and masterclasses with professional artists.
With our comprehensive and internationally recognized iStage Performing Arts curriculum, the Academy is devoted to provide students with an individualised, well-rounded educational experience, to discover every student’s passion and talent as well as fostering intellectual curiosity, confidence, critical thinking and empathy during the learning process.
上海中学国际部 上海耀中外籍人员子女学校 上海平和双语学校 上海莱克顿国际幼儿园 上海万科双语学校 上海赫德双语学校 上海泰德乐儿童中心 启德儿童国际教育 ···
Pudong Campus: 203, Building A1 Betwin, No.889 Shangcheng Road 联系电话:021-50725172
Puxi Campus: 102 G/F, block B 3380 Hechuan Road
联系电话:021-6728 6068
Email: info@istageacademy.com www.istageacademy.com 2016-2022 |