10月24日下午,全国青少年高尔夫球运动技能等级测试在MIGA迈克国际高尔夫学院美兰湖教学中心圆满落幕! On Oct 24th, National junior golf skills
testing was held at MIGA Lake Malaren Facility and it ended successfully! 中国高尔夫球协会在2017年下半年正式开始推广《高尔夫球项目青少年锻炼等级标准》,作为中高协指定的官方承考单位,MIGA严格按照中国高尔夫球协会制定的测试标准积极参与测试过程、客观反馈测试数据,保证了测试的公平公正。
In the later half of 2017, the China Golf Association has began to promote the " Standards of Golf Skills Level ". As the official examination unit designated by China Golf Association, MIGA actively participates in the testing process and provides feedback of the test data in strict with the testing standards set by the China Golf Association and make sure the fairness and justice of the test.
学生认真听教练讲说测试规则Students were listening carefully to the coach about the testing rules.
击球准备 Set up
上杆动作非常标准 Back swing was perfect
一记漂亮的挥杆球又稳又直地飞向前方 A perfect swing make the ball fly forward straight and steadily.
完美的收杆 Finished perfect
虽然当天下午户外气温骤降,但是学生的表现没有丝毫影响,热情高涨,发挥稳定。Although the outdoor temperature went down sharply inthe afternoon, the performance of the students was not affected at all, and they still have full of passion and play it stability. MIGA工作人员正在积极整理测试数据和现场照片、视频等资料,整理完毕将第一时间上传至大正高尔夫。学生将很快拿到属于自己的高尔夫等级证书! MIGA staff were sorting out test data, photos,
videos and other materials, and uploaded them to Da Zheng Golf as soon as possible.
Students will get their own golf level certificate soon!
提前祝贺通过测试的学生!MIGA期待更多热爱高尔夫运动的青少年们 参与到这项运动中来。
Congratulations to the students who passed the test in advance! MIGA looks forward to more junior who love golf to participate in this sport. We are looking forward to seeing you next time!
迈克国际高尔夫学院由现任中国高尔夫国家队技术顾问、前中国国奥队女队主教练、中国顶级高尔夫教练之一Michael Dickie出任院长,特聘多位国际PGA教练,中国顶尖职业教练一同领衔执教。 从2014年开始至今,学院已经拥有了东镇教学总部和美兰湖及旗忠教学分中心,并且每年都会引进全世界最精密、最先进的装备,最新采购了全国首套Puttview3D推杆投影设备,同时GCQuad击球分析设备、Trackman雷达测试仪、K-Vest3D挥杆设备,V1教学视频分析和Visio推杆训练器材等众多专业设备也在各大教学中心被广泛使用。PGA巡回赛冠军等大师御用、全球领先技术的高尔夫教学设备,带来更专业更系统的教学体验,助您提升表现。学院的大投入目的是为学员提供更专业的测试与评估,量身定制教学内容,提供不同层级的训练方案。 迈克国际高尔夫学院致力于“一流教学,成就高尔夫明日之星”的办学宗旨。学院独创六位一体整合教学法、青少年七阶评定,连同学练赛模式并行,从运动学、体育学的基本原理出发,将高尔夫理论、测试评估和教学实践等有机结合,致力于将高尔夫教学规范化、整体化、科学化、专业化,发展为华东地区乃至全国最具影响力的高尔夫专业教学机构之一。 MIGA已得到社会各界的认同,并与上海协和国际学校、上海包玉刚实验学校、上海惠灵顿学校、德威英国学校等重点院校达成合作,品牌效益凸显。
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