
《大酒店》十月封面故事:都市秘境 森林绿洲——专访凯悦北京、河北和天津地区副总裁及北京望京凯悦酒店总

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《大酒店》十月封面故事:都市秘境 森林绿洲——专访凯悦北京、河北和天津地区副总裁及北京望京凯悦酒店总经理马俊廷先生

Urban Forest: A Downtown Oasis
-An Exclusive Interview with Mr. Till Martin,
Area Vice President of Hyatt Beijing, Hebei and Tianjin
and General Manager of Hyatt Regency Beijing Wangjing
都市秘境 森林绿洲


总经理马俊廷先生在9月初被任命为凯悦北京、河北和天津地区副总裁,负责三个地区的酒店管理。1996年,马先生开启了他的酒店职业生涯,他为凯悦集团奉献了25年的时光,不断成长、收获。在问及凯悦集团对他的意义,他回答道:“凯悦的集团理念是关爱,它是服务的核心。集团始终坚持以人为本,时刻关注客人的需求,这与我关心他人的性格非常契合。回想我的职业生活,与客人沟通,与团队合作是激励我和造就我的原因,支撑着我一路向前。在我为凯悦工作的25年里,我有机会在三大洲工作,遇到了很多人,他们指导我、鼓舞我,让我在生活中成为一个更好的人,在工作上成为更好的领导。我非常感谢他们,也感谢凯悦集团给予的机会。”2013年,马先生将他丰富的经验、卓越的技能以及对凯悦酒店品牌无比的热忱带到中国,担任北京东方君悦大酒店驻店经理。2016年,他担任北京望京凯悦酒店总经理,从筹备到如今,马先生带领400余名员工见证酒店的发展,将北京望京凯悦酒店打造成一处令人心驰的 “都市秘境,森林绿洲”。



酒店因便捷的地理位置深受商务客人的青睐,2022年,凯悦集团推出“悦与同行”活动,以“关爱”重塑会议体验。作为凯悦酒店集团中国区首家酒店,北京望京凯悦酒店率先推行“悦与同行”方案。对此,马先生说道:“我感到非常幸运,我们可以成为发起这个活动的首家酒店,这是对我们的认可。酒店拥有占地 5600 平米富有创意和自然采光的会议空间和社交场所,1370 平米的无柱式大宴会厅以及12间会议室,这让我们有足够的会议空间推动项目的进行。‘悦与同行’活动是基于最近几年的市场环境推出的,一方面,为商务客人相聚提供更好的环境,另一方面也是增强酒店与客人的信任感。这是双赢的措施。我们会尽可能满足客人的需求,想客人所想,为他们打造一次难忘的会议经历。”

‘悦与同行”活动从安全、身心健康、科技及专家社区四个方面贯彻“关爱”理念,为客人提供无微不至的会议体验。在安全方面,酒店与主要的行业合作伙伴和医疗专家合作,努力确保酒店和活动体验的每个部分都优先考虑安全和清洁等因素。因一些现实原因,部分客人需要进行线上会议,酒店会提供一系列技术支持,让不能出席的客户也能拥有良好的会议感受;此外,酒店为每场活动提供专属团队,从前期沟通的销售经理,到中期组织策划的会议策划经理,到后期现场执行团队,提供360度全方位支持。在为客人提供便捷的会议环境之际,酒店也会注意客人的身心健康,客人在酒店通过过颂钵、冥想、健康楼梯跑等活动,以及在为个性化定制的放松空间-- MYSPACE,放松身心,释放压力。

北京望京凯悦酒店不仅是发起“悦与同行”的首家酒店,还成为ESG项目的试点酒店。ESG(global environmental,
social, governance)项目指凯悦集团秉持关爱这一核心理念,借助“关爱世界”(World of Care),承担责任并把握机遇,共同打造一个更可持续的世界和未来。作为凯悦集团ESG中国区主席,马先生带领北京望京凯悦酒店积极拟定绿色新规划,诠释新时代的时髦生活哲学,传递可持续旅行新理念。他说道:“酒店会减少塑料制品和一次性用品的使用,尽可能采用可回收利用的材料来减少资源的浪费。从餐盒到门卡,再到洗漱用品瓶装尺寸的改变,我们一步步践行可持续的理念。此外,我们也会与一些公益部门合作,例如“再皂福”合作,通过回收利用酒店里使用过的肥皂进行处理并进行捐赠,与该组织一同为贫困地区儿童带来爱与健康。在食物原料的挑选上,酒店通过一系列严格的负责任采购制度保证餐饮食材的可持续性。我作为ESG中国区的主席,将以身作则,带领北京望京凯悦酒店走上可持续发展之路。”


Life in the city is fast-paced, featured by those easily congested roads, hasty walking of people, and nighttime lights in office buildings. As urban prosperity is accompanied by exhaustion and fatigue, more and more people start to look for an oasis among the high-rises, where they may get away from the hustle and bustle of city life and return to nature. This time, we have the pleasure to visit Hyatt Regency Beijing Wangjing, seeing for ourselves the “urban forest” and exploring its warm healing energy.

Mr. Till Martin has been appointed as Area Vice President of Hyatt Beijing, Hebei and Tianjin as of September 1, 2022 to oversee the management of the Hyatt hotels in the the area. He joined the Hyatt family in 1996, and has progressed and contributed to the group over 25 years. When asked the meaning that Hyatt has brought to him, he shares with us, “At Hyatt, we care for people so they be their best.It is the core of our services. We always adopt a people-centered approach and care for the needs of our guests. I feel a strong match as I myself has a loving character. Looking back on my professional life, I find communicating with our guests and working with my teams to be the greatest inspiration that has made me who I am today. In my 25 years with Hyatt, I have been given the opportunity to work on three continents and meet people who have guided and inspired me to be a better person and leader. I am most grateful to them and to the opportunities offered by the group.” In 2013, Mr. Martin brought his extensive experience, exceptional work skills, and unparalleled passion for the Hyatt Regency brand to China as Hotel Manager of Grand Hyatt Beijing. In 2016, he advanced to his inaugural General Manager role at Hyatt Regency Beijing Wangjing. From the grand opening to today, Mr. Martin, along with his over 400 colleagues, has witnessed the growth of the hotel, transforming it into an enchanting “Urban Forest”.

Hyatt Regency Beijing Wangjing is located in the juncture of the new Central Business District and a charming residential area. It is bordered by Wangjing Central Park to the north and Lei Shing Hong Center Park to the south, connecting the central area of Wangjing into a beautiful landscape immersed in greenery, echoing the image of "oasis" geographically. The design of the hotel is inspired by "Sanhe Yuan", the traditional Chinese courtyard which has structures on three sides forming an inverted U-shape. Conveying the philosophy of "back to nature", traditional Chinese geographical and cultural elements as well as modern urban energy and tranquility are skillfully integrated into the design and atmosphere of the hotel. Mr. Martin explains, “Nature is visible throughout the hotel. The sun shines through the large glass skylight, and guests may reach out to the sunlight by simply looking up and lifting hands. We have a small bamboo forest in the lobby. With bamboo shadows, bamboo fragrance brought by cool breezes, stones, and trees, the landscape is further complemented by the sound of flowing water, where guests are invited to take a journey into the nature through the urban forest.” The hotel’s oriental aesthetics and biophilic design extends to its 348 restful guestrooms. Oak wood, beige marble, green marble, wood grain patterned carpet – all the materials give a warm and cozy impression, creating a warm sanctuary with soft atmosphere as well as great views to surrounding greenery. Elegant shades, natural materials, and smooth lines are given full play to keep away from the complexity and chaos of the outside. The greenery in the courtyard and the vibes of nature exhibit a new level of exquisiteness and comfort, creating an urban retreat in the bustling city.

As the first Hyatt Regency hotel in Beijing, it has focused on the quality of food and beverage since day one, so that guests can feel "cared for" while enjoying delicious cuisines. Mr. Martin shares with us, “Dining and drinking is one of our signature services. We have five unique and carefully-designed restaurants and bars. Guests may enjoy authentic Cantonese cuisine at Cang Yue, a classic and elegant Chinese restaurant; the exquisite taste of Japanese specialties in the relaxed Izakaya style environment of Shunpachi; the cocktails, live musicians, and DJ performance at The Music Bar to unwind from the day; the afternoon tea and worry-free relaxation at The Lounge; and the delicacies as well as the outdoor experience at Market Café. The five restaurants cover both Chinese and Western-style dishes, offering a variety of dining choices. In addition, caring for guests is the soul of hotel service. We aim to talk with our guests face to face, collect feedback and advice, and pass on our care and respect to them."

The hotel is also a favorite choice among business guests thanks to its prime location. In 2022, Hyatt Group unveiled “Together by Hyatt”, a new approach to help bring people together again with a deeper sense of care, reshaping conference experience. As the first Hyatt hotel in China to launch the program, Hyatt Regency Beijing Wangjing is proud to introduce the reimagining of events. Mr. Martin says, “I feel very fortunate that we can be the first hotel to launch this campaign. It is truly a recognition of our efforts. The hotel is equipped with a total of 5,600 square meters of creative spaces which are designed for inspiring Conferences and Social Events, including a pillar-less Regency Ballroom of 1,370 square meters and 12 conference rooms. We are, therefore, well-positioned to move the program forward. “Together by Hyatt” was launched in response to the market environment in recent years. A win-win strategy, the program, on one hand, provides an enhanced space for business guests, and on the other hand, it strengthens the trust placed between the hotel and guests. We try our best to meet the needs of our guests and put ourselves in their shoes to create a memorable event experience for them."

Rooted in Hyatt’s purpose to care for people so they can be their best, Together by Hyatt prioritizes four pillars that are essential to all events, namely safety, well-being, technology, and community of experts. On the safety side, working with key industry partners and medical experts, the hotel strives to ensure that safety and cleanliness are prioritized in every part of the hotel service and event experience. For practical reasons, some guests would need to attend online meetings. The hotel will provide a series of technical support so that customers who cannot attend in person can also be well-engaged in online sessions. In addition, Hyatt has introduced a new team of Hybrid Event Experts to seamlessly integrate and execute virtual components of events, including the sales manager who communicates in the early stage, the meeting planner who organizes and plans in the middle, and the on-site team for event delivery and support. Apart from the professional and efficient conference environment, the hotel also focuses on the physical and mental well-being of our guests. They may enjoy good relaxation and stress relief through bell-sound meditations, breathing exercises and stair running in addition to the customized MYSPACE.

Apart from the launch hotel for “Together by Hyatt” in China, Hyatt Regency Beijing Wangjing also pilots the group’s new global environmental, social, governance initiative (ESG). Building on its efforts to care for the "planet, people, and responsible business," Hyatt Hotels Corporation has launched the "World of Care" platform, calling for taking responsibilities and seizing opportunities to build a more sustainable world and future together. As the Chairman of Hyatt ESG China, Mr. Martin leads Hyatt Regency Beijing Wangjing to draw up new green plans, interpret lifestyle and life attitude in the new era, and convey the new concept of sustainable travel. He says, “The hotel will reduce the use of plastic products and disposable items and use recyclables whenever possible to reduce the waste of resources. From meal boxes to key cards and to the change of shower bottle sizes we are incorporating sustainability step by step. We also work with charitable organizations, such as Soap Cycling, to help bring love and health to children in impoverished areas by recycling used soap from our hotels and donating it to them. In the selection of food ingredients, the hotel ensures the sustainability of food and beverage through a strict multi-step responsible sourcing system. As Chairman of Hyatt ESG China, I will serve as a role model and lead Hyatt Regency Beijing Wangjing to stick to a sustainable development path.

Thanks to the leadership of Mr. Martin, the hotel has enjoyed great popularity and high ratings over the past four years. Its image of “Urban Forest” has also been well recognized by the public. During the interview, he always emphasizes that the achievement today is the outcome of excellent teamwork. A hotel can only thrive when team members communicate with each other, trust each other, and work together to listen to and meet the needs of our guests. Today, he also serves as Area Vice President of Hyatt Beijing, Hebei and Tianjin. Despite the numerous challenges faced by the hospitality industry in the past few years, the seasoned hotelier remains positive and confident, saying, "The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and brighter. We will eventually take off again!"


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