
Key Points of B2A (excerpt)

发表于 2022-11-3 22:34:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1.make a strong case for.... 呼吁

2.be a strong champion of ....倡导/主张.....

3.have sth at its very core .....核心/特点

4.score enviable achievements in sth 在某方面取得举世瞩目的成就

=impress the world with an enviable development trajectory

5.We should build/shape a more enabling/sound climate that embraces/enables......营造一个......的良好氛围

6.That is how we can do sth 只有这样才能.......

That is how we can engage everyone in environmental stewardship.


7.remain focused on/ remain committed to / renew ones commitment to 


8.be a solid underpinner/bedrock/foreground for.........起到坚实的保障作用

9.get away from the hustle and bustle for peace and tranquility/serenity in a      suburban retreat远离都市的喧嚣到郊外休闲度假

10.A be on a par with B .....相媲美

11.Supreme excellence exists in breaking the enemys resistance without fighting.不战而屈人之兵为善之善者

12.The lack of public involvement in tobacco control fails to feature/figure prominently on the priority list.公众参与控烟活动不深入尚未引起社会的高度关注

13.have ones fair share of problems 有自己的问题

14.have their backs covered 有靠山/后台

15.Shanghai has emerged as a world-renowned cosmopolis today.


16.Faster industrialization and urban sprawl has taken a varied toll on the very eco-system that sustains intangible cultural heritage.


17.the major project of ecological restoration/rehabilitation shall be put high on the agenda of social-economic development.


18.Confucius, an ancient Chinese sage, once said, Those who work with mental power manage those who work with physical strength.” 


19.There is a widespread Chinese saying that goes, businessmen are invariably dishonest.在中国有句流传甚广的话叫做无商不奸

20.Businessmen are traditionally viewed as being solely profit-driven , and they are deemed to be poles apart from true gentlemen who put justice before material gains.认为商人唯利是图与君子重义轻利的追求背道而驰

21.A more prominent and pressing challenge before us is to ensure that laws are abided by and enforced to the letter and that law-breakers are held punishable/accountable.有法必依执法必严违法必究的问题显得更突出更紧迫

enforce sth to the letter 严格执行

hold sb punishable/accountable for sth 让某人对....负责

22.further free our mind, unshackle productivity, unleash social dynamism and break all institutional obstacles to entrepreneurship


23.The ocean is vast for it refuses no rivers. 海纳百川有容乃大

24.Blind, mechanical copying of other civilizations is out of the question and highly detrimental/pernicious.在文明问题上生搬硬套削足适履不仅是不可能的而且是十分有害的

25.Intangible cultural heritage serves as a powerful force that sustains cultural and social progress and underpins cultural innovation.非物质文化遗产是传承文化推动社会发展的不竭动力是文化创新的基础和源泉

26.identify the right remedy to address root causes 正本清源对症下药

27.make for/ go a long way to /conduce to /be conducive to the development of real economy.有利于实体经济的发展

28.factor/take into consideration differences /disparities /divergences between national financial markets 充分考虑不同国家金融市场的差异性

29.Zhujiajiao was crowned as the national supplier of cloth and provider of grain and cooking oil regions south of the Yangtze River. 朱家角有衣被天下粮油江南之美誉

30.advocate the philosophy of reading 10,000 volumes of books and traveling 10,000 li 倡导读万卷书行万里路的理念

31.people typically fall for flattering words while tending to feel upset or even engraved by inconveniently honest advice.人们通常喜欢听好听的话一听到拂耳之言就容易产生不悦甚至愠怒。(拂耳之言不顺耳的真实的话逆耳忠言

32.With her blonde hair perfectly coiffed, a jeweled choker sitting around her neck and a plunging black dress that flatters her slim figure, there is certainly no confusion about which role Naomi Watts is taking in her new movieDiana

不难看出娜奥米· 沃茨拿捏起戴妃的经典造型来确实惟妙惟肖一头金发精致优雅颈部的夸张珠宝项链平添风情低胸黑色礼服勾勒出苗条身段

33.Fire is much more likely to appear in some parts of the world than in others.野火在不同地区的发生频率也各不相同


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