

发表于 2023-5-9 21:15:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

每周二与酒店高参相约酒店高层任命,不见不散!酒店高参投稿邮箱:hotel@hoteln.cn,任命讯息加编辑微信号:18126469848  可申请加入酒店高参传讯联盟。



北京华尔道夫酒店荣幸地宣布任命杨婷婷(Christina Yang)女士为酒店总经理,全面负责酒店的日常经营和管理工作。此前,杨婷婷女士曾任成都领地希尔顿嘉悦里酒店好客大师(总经理)。2023年5月4日起,杨婷婷女士正式赴京履新。
对于奢华这一词,杨婷婷女士有自己的理解 —— 情感和文化,皆是奢华。北京,这一座承载着浓厚情感和历史积淀的城市,每一帧的文化痕迹都弥足珍贵。北京华尔道夫酒店的四合院,仰首可见方寸天空、俯身可拾微观山水,这些无一不在触动杨婷婷女士的心绪。“每一寸的雕梁画栋,皆是历史和艺术,在这里感受传统文化的脉搏,是一件多么奢侈的感受。客人在奢华酒店感受到的,不是高昂大理石的冰冷纹理,是难忘的‘愈恣享,愈铭心’的美好瞬间,是人与人之间情感交汇的温暖时刻,是指尖可以触摸的城市历史,是浸染身心难以自拔的文化和艺术。”
杨婷婷女士在二十年的职业生涯中,在提升酒店服务品质的领域中不断求索。对于奢华品牌酒店来说,让宾客满意已经远远不够,如何令客人倍感惊喜,让他们从步入这座酒店开始就被各个细节所打动并被深深吸引,正是酒店人需要潜心探索和提升的方向 。杨婷婷女士说道:“我相信这个团队能够做到真正意义上的卓越,对于一家即将在翌年迎接十周年的酒店来说,她的文化底蕴赋予了团队持续向前的勇气和实力。”


天津瑞吉金融街酒店任命王欢先生为酒店总经理,主持酒店整体经营和发展战略工作。王欢先生拥有深厚的酒店管理经验,曾获瑞士酒店管理学院进修高级文凭,其后又取得英国德比大学酒店管理专业学士学位。2002年,他于瑞士日内瓦Hotel President Wilson豪华精选酒店正式开启他的酒店职业生涯。
The St. Regis Tianjin is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr. Tony Wang as the new General Manager with effect from May 3, 2023. He will lead the hotel management team to achieve business goals whilst providing the guests with unique staying experience.
Mr. Wang has extensive experience in hotel management, having received a higher diploma from the Swiss Hotel Management School and a Bachelor Degree in Hospitality Management from the University of Derby, U.K. He started his hotel career in 2002 at Hotel President Wilson, a Luxury Collection Hotel Geneva, Switzerland.
Mr. Wang has been with Marriott since 2005 and worked at Le Meridien, Sheraton and The Luxury Collection brands. Before joined The St. Regis Tianjin, he was General Manager of The Hongta Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel Shanghai.
His diverse hotel experience has given him a unique understanding of the hotel brand's service philosophy, team assistance and excellent and efficient leadership skills, and he will lead the hotel team to continue to cultivate the Regency brand's extraordinary rituals and unique artistry, and to make every day exquisite at St. Regis Tianjin.
In addition to his identity as a hotelier, he is also a member of World Skills International, and Chief Expert of China in restaurant service category, and has outstanding achievements in the field of professional skills.




新世界同派酒店管理集团正式宣布,任命董承锝(Jason Dong)先生为台山新世界酒店总经理,全面负责酒店的运营和管理工作。董承锝先生拥有逾28年的酒店从业经历,其深厚的专业知识、扎实的酒店营运经验及丰富的团队管理经验,赋予了董承锝先生出色的领导力以及敏锐的市场洞察力。董承锝先生热爱酒店行业、勇于创新实践、乐于面对挑战;他非常高兴能够加入新世界同派酒店管理集团,并在台山这座粤港澳大湾区的重要城市开启全新的旅程。


2023年5月8日,成都滨江希尔顿逸林酒店非常荣幸地迎来黄家华先生(Mr. Alfie Huang)出任酒店总经理。黄家华先生将全面负责成都滨江希尔顿逸林酒店的日常运营及管理工作。
“能够加入如此温暖真挚的酒店团队,我感到非常荣幸。”黄家华先生(Mr. Alfie Huang)表示,“居行沙河间,感受成都里。我们将秉承希尔顿逸林的暖心文化,继续为客人带去更有温度的服务体验。”



Latest Appointment: Regional Director of Sales and Marketing Golden Union Group is pleased to announce that Ms. Liu Yu has been appointed as the Regional Director of Sales and Marketing of Hotel Division. Founded in 1995, Golden Union Group has four major sectors: Golden Union Assets, Golden Union Commercial(code: 603682), Real Estate Development, and Golden Union Hotels and Resorts. Golden Union Hotels and Resorts was established in 2017 and has received numerous market praises and industry recognition in just a few years, thanks to its professional hotel investment and operation management, accurate market positioning, and excellent service quality.
With twenty years of international and domestic high-star hotel sales management experience, Ms. Liu has deepened her expertise in hotel offline sales, e-commerce sales and digital marketing. She supports the formulation of new hotel opening sales strategies and pricing systems.Ms. Liu has previously served as the Hotel Sales and Group Sales Director of Shangri-La Group for nearly 8 years, the Regional Sales Director of Singapore Junlai Group and Hong Kong Wharf Hotels, and the Commercial Director Sales of Jinjiang International Hotel Management Company. She holds a certificate of OTA Senior Operator, is also a sales and marketing training lecturer at Jinjiang International Hotel Management Company, and holds an MBA Bachelor's degree from the University of Girona in Spain.
Ms. Liu's joining undoubtedly brings a new perspective to Golden Union Hotels and Resorts, and her rich experience in hotel management and sales and marketing will also drive Golden Union Hotels and Resorts to the next milestone.


华住集团正式任命穆樟先生(Murphy Mu)为上海证大美爵酒店总经理,全面负责酒店日常管理、日常运营及战略规划工作。
H World Group officially appointed Mr. Murphy Mu as the General Manager of Grand Mercure Shanghai Century Park Hotel recently. He will be fully in charge of the hotel’s management, operations and business strategy.
Mr. Murphy Mu graduated with an MBA from the University of Liverpool. He has profound professional knowledge in hotel management with years of solid experience in Hyatt Hotel Group. His footprint has reached Beijing Grand Hyatt Hotel and Ningbo Park Hyatt Hotel.
Mr. Murphy Mu joined H World Group in 2021 and was appointed as the Hotel Manager of Grand Mercure Guangzhou at Zhujiang new town, during when he has further improved the hotel’s profit, guest satisfaction, demonstrated unique insights, extraordinary leadership skills in hotel management and development by quick understanding of local market and great enthusiasm for work. 
We believe that with the leadership of Mr. Murphy Mu, the Grand Mercure Shanghai Century Park Hotel will be taken to a new height, achieving higher customer satisfaction, outstanding market performance and more recognized brand reputation.



Mr. Michael Yan was appointed by Accor Greater China as the General Manager of Grand Mercure Yichang Waitan responsible for the pre-opening and operation management of the hotel.
Mr. Michael Yan has unique insights and rich experience in the development and operation of high star hotels. He has worked as luxury hotel executive management for more than 25 years in Sofitel, Grand Mercure, Novotel and many other Accor hotels in Greater China. He has been worked in Zhengzhou, Hefei, Suzhou, Dalian, Wuhan, Nanjing, Chongqing, Xi 'an and other places. With his pragmatic and rigorous working attitude, Mr. Yan has won the trust of customers and a good reputation in the industry. At the same time, he has also made many remarkable achievements.
As the first international brand hotel created by Xingfa Group in Yichang, Grand Mercure Yichang combines local cultural traditions, local cuisine and artistic design, providing guests with imaginative space, exploration and fun hotel experience, fresh and charming living experience. I am looking forward to working with our management team to prepare for the grand opening of Grand Mercure Yichang Waitan, and to prepare for every guest to feel the service concept of "All of Accor, all for you!"


布里托玛特酒店很高兴地宣布任命杰米·斯旺为销售主管,自 2023 年5月起。Jamie将领导酒店的业务发展重点,负责住宿的所有细分市场以及酒店广泛的会议和活动产品的持续增长。
“我们非常高兴Jamie加入我们,担任Britomart酒店的销售主管,”Britomart酒店总经理Clinton Farley说。
她在新西兰和澳大利亚的航空,旅行和旅游业拥有15 +年的丰富背景,专注于企业关系建立,战略和数据分析。
The Hotel Britomart is pleased to announce the appointment of Jamie Swan as Head of Sales as of May 2023. Jamie will lead the hotel's business development focus, with responsibility for all market segments across accommodation as well as the continued growth of the hotels extensive meeting and events offerings.  
“We are absolutely delighted to have Jamie join us as the Head of Sales at The Hotel Britomart,” says Clinton Farley, General Manager of The Hotel Britomart.
“Jamie's extensive experience in the travel industry and proven track record in key account management across New Zealand and Australia make her a valuable addition to our team. As we look ahead to the coming months and the travel industry continues to rebound, we are incredibly excited, and look forward to Jamie playing a pivotal role in supporting our ongoing success.”
Jamie joins The Hotel Britomart from her previous role as Client Value Manager with Corporate Travel Management in Auckland, New Zealand.
She has a rich background of 15+ years in the aviation, travel and tourism industries in New Zealand and Australia, with a key focus on corporate relationship-building, strategy and data analysis.



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