

发表于 2023-5-16 19:04:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

每周二与酒店高参相约酒店高层任命,不见不散!酒店高参投稿邮箱:hotel@hoteln.cn,任命讯息加编辑微信号:18126469848  可申请加入酒店高参传讯联盟。







Recently, InterContinental Beijing Beichen is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Grant Thompson as General Manager. He will continue to lead the overall operation and development strategy of the hotel, with his excellent strategic thinking, keen market insight, and outstanding leadership to further enhance guest satisfaction and create a new chapter of the hotel.

Mr. Grant Thompson has more than 27 years of professional experience in the operation and management of international hotel brands, especially in the luxury hospitality industry, and had 8 pre-opening hotel experiences in Australia, Africa, the Middle East, and the Asia-Pacific region. He is a passionate and innovative hotelier focused on both top and bottom-line results while always striving to continually improve both guest experience and colleague satisfaction. He started his hospitality career in 1996 in Food & Beverage, and Executive Assistant Manager in 1999 with Starwood. He has worked with Luxury Collection, Shangri-La, Sofitel, Radisson Blu & Leading Hotels of the World. Before this appointment, he was the General Manager of InterContinental Changsha where he and his team achieved a great milestone performance and continued year after year to both enhance and grow its local reputation as the market leader in both financial and guest satisfaction results. Mr. Grant Thompson will work with the team at InterContinental Beijing Beichen to continue exploring new opportunities and attain even more brilliant achievements.

Mr. Grant Thompson is very excited to embark on his appointment at InterContinental Beijing Beichen. “I am thrilled to be here in Beijing and join this brilliant team. As a hotel that successfully served for two Olympic Games and one of the most iconic hotels in Beijing, I look forward to instilling instinctive and personalized service together with our team while committed to delivering True Hospitality for everyone and reviving the travel experience for our guests,” said Mr. Grant Thompson.




凭借其卓越的酒店管理经验和丰富的专业知识,王凯先生致力于将其热情好客的精神传递给酒店员工,与全体同事共同努力,传承亚洲的优秀传统,通过创造良好的酒店环境及难忘的入住体验,让客人尽享生活、工作、娱乐、美食和休憩的愉悦时光,为客人提供始终如一的品牌体验,与香格里拉携手并进,积极迎接新的机遇与挑战,带领包头香格里拉再创佳绩。王凯先生表示:“很荣幸再次回到香格里拉集团,来到草原与沙漠交织的包头,我将和包头香格里拉的团队一起,以可持续的经营方式和香格里拉热情谦恭的待客之道,专注于为客人提供以心相待的服务, 为每一位客人创造真正有意义的美好时刻。”




近日,西安索菲特传奇酒店、西安索菲特人民大厦、西安豪华美居人民大厦非常荣幸地迎来布韦迪(Vladimir Burazor)出任酒店总经理。

他曾获得瑞士卢塞恩酒店管理学院的酒店管理高级文凭,并在家乡塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德的Singidunum大学完成经济学硕士学习,精通塞尔维亚语、德语及英语。此次履新前,他曾担任哈尔滨索菲特大酒店总经理一职。作为一名资深的酒店职业经理人,布韦迪先生拥有超过20年的酒店工作及管理经验,职业足迹遍布国内外, 如瑞士、美国、加勒比海和中国等。布韦迪先生扎实的酒店管理阅历使得他深谙酒店经营各板块的核心要素,亦具备敏锐的商业嗅觉和独特的见解以及卓越的领导能力。


Sofitel Legend People’s Grand Hotel Xian, Sofitel Xian on Renmin Square and Grand Mercure Xian on Renmin Square are delighted to announce the appointment of Mr.Vladimir Burazor as General Manager.

He obtained his Confederate Higher Diploma in Hospitality from Swiss Hotel Management School Lucerne and completed his Master studies in Economics at University Singidunum in his hometown of Belgrade in Serbia. He is proficient in Serbian, German and English. With over 20 years of experience in hospitality industry across few continents and countries like Switzerland, USA, Caribbean and China. Mr.Burazor has a solid understanding of the hotel management in all sectors of the business, as well as a keen business sense, unique insights and excellent leadership skills.

Mr.Burazor said: “The Renmin Square Hotels are a natural blend of luxury, cultural essence and contemporary French romance, in keeping with the glorious history of the past, inspiring the younger generation to explore the modern luxury lifestyle. I am looking forward to working with the talented team to continue providing unparalleled service to our guests and to lead them to an extravagant and customized experience.”




万达集团酒店管理集团正式宣布,任命王丽莎(Lisa)女士为山西武乡万达心栖湖居酒店总经理,全面负责酒店的运营及管理工作。于2018年正式加入万达集团酒店管理集团,曾担任江苏明阳集团业主代表,分管南京喜马拉雅假日酒店、徐州希尔顿花园酒店、北京佳隆房地产集团公司,旗下酒店管理公司副总经理,拥有逾14年的酒店从业经历,其深厚的专业知识、扎实的酒店营运经验及丰富的团队管理经验,赋予了王丽莎女士出色的领导力及敏锐的市场洞察力。王丽莎女士热爱酒店行业、敢于创新实践、乐于面对挑战,其足迹遍布杭州、绍兴、上海、北京、新疆、南昌、徐州、南京等城市,她非常高兴能够加入万达酒店管理集团,并在山西武乡这座红色发源地开启全新的酒店旅程。带领山西武乡万达心栖湖居酒店迈向新的高度,以宾客需求为核心,紧密结合集团服务和产品标准,传递真正的待客之道。“心栖湖居”品牌隶属于万达酒店管理公司旗下创新事业部。涅水又东南,武乡水会焉 ,一棵树,一处青苔,一抹天光云影 ,即是心灵栖息处 。农庄时光,悠然假日 ,以返璞之心缔造森系时光 ,在韵味古城山水间 ,等你赴一场关于自然的童话。
关河小镇总占地200余亩,交通便利、风景优美、气候宜人,由武乡县晋烨置地发展有限公司投资打造。关河小镇充分传承武乡红色基因,借助红色旅游品牌,通过新建文化主题街区,窑洞酒店、宴会厅、 科技种植、绿色采摘、山地露营、生态种植园、山体公园等,将关河水库周边丰富的自然生态风貌以及太行干部学院、关河湿地公园、沉浸式实景剧场、旅游码头、 革命烈士纪念碑、关河大坝、环湖等分散式景观有效融合,打造集红色学习、旅游观光、运动健身、休闲度假为一体的多功能生态旅游示范区。
Wanda Group Hotel Management Group has officially announced the appointment of Ms. Lisa Wang as the General Manager of Wanda Xinqihu Ju Hotel in Wuxiang, Shanxi, with full responsibility for the operation and management of the hotel. He formally joined Wanda Group Hotel Management Group in 2018 and served as the owner representative of Jiangsu Mingyang Group. He was in charge of Nanjing Himalayan Holiday Inn, Xuzhou Hilton Garden Inn, and Beijing Jialong Real Estate Group. He is the deputy general manager of the hotel management company. He has more than 14 years of hotel experience, profound professional knowledge, solid hotel operation experience, and rich team management experience, Ms. Wang Lisa has been endowed with excellent leadership and keen market insight. Ms. Wang Lisa loves the hotel industry, dares to innovate and practice, and is willing to face challenges. Her footprints are spread throughout cities such as Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Shanghai, Beijing, Xinjiang, Nanchang, Xuzhou, Nanjing, etc. She is very happy to join Wanda Hotel Management Group and embark on a new hotel journey in the red birthplace of Wuxiang, Shanxi. Led Wanda Xinqihu Ju Hotel in Wuxiang, Shanxi to a new height, with guest needs as the core, closely combining the group's service and product standards, and conveying the true way of hospitality. The "Xinqihu Ju" brand is under the Innovation Division of Wanda Hotel Management Company. The Nirvana River is also southeast, and the water in Wuxiang is vast. A tree, a moss, and a touch of sky light and clouds are the habitat of the soul. Farm time, leisurely holidays, with a heart of returning to nature to create a forest style time, waiting for you to go to a fairy tale about nature amidst the picturesque scenery of the ancient city.
Guanhe Town covers a total area of over 200 acres, with convenient transportation, beautiful scenery, and pleasant climate. It is invested and built by Wuxiang County Jinye Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Guanhe Town fully inherits the red genes of Wuxiangand utilizes the red tourism brand to build cultural theme blocks, cave hotels, banquet halls, technology planting, green picking, mountain camping, ecological plantations, mountain parks, etc. The rich natural ecological landscape around Guanhe Reservoir, as well as Taihang Cadre College, Guanhe Wetland Park, immersive live theater, tourist docks, revolutionary martyrs monument, Guanhe Dam Effectively integrating scattered landscapes such as the surrounding lake, we aim to create a multi-functional ecological tourism demonstration area that integrates red learning, tourism, fitness, and leisure vacation.



2023年5月11日,深圳大中华希尔顿酒店正式任命姜芳芳 (Emily Jiang)女士为酒店商务总监,她将协助总经理全面负责酒店市场开拓、生意挖掘、收益管理、营销推广等工作。

姜芳芳女士来自好客山东,拥有10余载酒店从业经历,先后服务于万豪、希尔顿等国际品牌酒店集团,收获了丰富的酒店管理及销售经验。她优雅且干练,拥有极高的工作热情和责任心,勇于接受挑战,姜芳芳女士尤其擅长沟通及团队管理,拥有敏锐的市场洞察力及分析能力。履新前,姜芳芳女士任青岛金沙滩希尔顿酒店商务总监一职,曾带领团队共克时艰,实现了希尔顿大中华区月度最高Cash Impact及自酒店开业以来月度最高平均房价。


In May 2023, Hilton Shenzhen Futian officially appointed Ms. Emily Jiang as the Commercial Director of the hotel, fully responsible for daily operation and management of the commercial team, taking the lead on creating a new strategy for increasing revenue, as well as branding and marketing. 

As an intelligent Commercial Director in hospitality industry, Emily is from Shandong and brings in her over 10 years extensive experience in commercial roles. Before joining Hilton Shenzhen Futian, Emily has successively served Marriott and Hilton. She has rich experience in hotel management and sales management. She is graceful and smart with a high work enthusiasm and sense of responsibility, willingness to take new challenge. Emily is especially proficient in communication and team management, and has keen market insight and analysis ability. She was Commercial Director of Hilton Qingdao Golden Beach where contributed extensive results including highest monthly cash impact across Hilton GCM Region and highest ADR since hotel opening. 

As an outstanding example of Women In Leadership with Hilton, based on her sharp market perceptions and exceptional sales strategy, Emily will lead the team to seize market opportunity and achieve better results.





Latest Appointment: Crowne Plaza Shanghai Anting is pleased to announce that Ms. Lily Dong has been appointed as the Director of Sales and Marketing. She will lead the hotel’s business development focus, with responsibility for all market segments. 

With more than 16 years of international and domestic high-star hotel sales management experience that her new role will undoubtedly bring a fresh perspective for hotel. Within her extensive experience in sales and marketing will help propel the department to the next milestone.

Ms. Lily Dong has always been committed to building an excellent, efficient, enterprising and innovative team and her rich experience in hotel management, sales and marketing will surely bring more surprises and heartening colors in the future! 




山西晋烨置地集团有限公司于近日宣布:张进兴先生(Mr. Andy Zhang)出任山西武乡万达心栖湖居酒店市场销售部总监。张进兴(Mr. Andy Zhang)先生从事酒店及度假村项目筹备、运营、销售管理近8年。此次,张进兴(Mr. Andy Zhang)先生的加入无疑为心栖湖居酒店及度假村带来崭新的视角,挖掘出新的主题,凭借张进兴先生丰富的酒店管理及市场销售经验,也将推动心栖湖居酒店及度假村的可持续性与多元化发展,迈入下一个新的里程碑。

依托多年的行业深耕,张进兴(Mr. Andy Zhang)先生不仅拥有丰富的酒店运营及管理能力,在市场销售板块更是持有创新性、突破性思维和独到的见解及判断,敏锐的市场洞察力和卓越的领导能力,让他屡创骄人佳绩。张进兴(Mr. Andy Zhang)先生表示:“心所栖,乐居自然。我们将秉承万达心栖湖居的暖心文化,始终以客人的感受作为出发点,通过品牌体验建立与消费者的情感联结,继续为客人带去更有温度的服务体验。”


Shanxi Jinye Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. recently announced that Mr. Andy Zhang will be appointed as the Marketing and Sales Director of Wanda Xinqihu Ju Hotel in Wuxiang, Shanxi. Mr. Andy Zhang has been engaged in the preparation, operation, and sales management of hotel and resort projects for nearly 8 years. This time, Mr. Andy Zhang's joining undoubtedly brings a new perspective and explores new themes for Xinqi Huju Hotel and Resort. With Mr. Zhang's rich hotel management and market sales experience, it will also promote the sustainability and diversified development of Xinqi Huju Hotel and Resort, entering the next new milestone.

Relying on years of deep industry cultivation, Mr. Andy Zhang not only possesses rich hotel operation and management abilities, but also holds innovative, breakthrough thinking, unique insights and judgments in the marketing and sales sector. His keen market insight and excellent leadership skills have enabled him to repeatedly achieve outstanding results. Mr. Andy Zhang said, "Where the heart resides, we enjoy living naturally. We will uphold Wanda's warm heart culture of living in the lake, always starting from the feelings of customers, and establish emotional connections with consumers through brand experience, continuing to bring customers a more warm service experience

Guanhe Town covers a total area of over 200 acres, fully inheriting the red genes of Wuxiang. With the help of the red tourism brand, through the construction of new cultural theme blocks, cave hotels, banquet halls, technology planting, green picking, mountain camping, ecological plantations, mountain parks and other projects, the rich natural ecological landscape around Guanhe Reservoir, as well as the Taihang Cadre College, Guanhe Wetland Park, immersive live theater, tourism docks, revolutionary martyrs monument, etc The scattered landscapes such as the Guanhe Dam and the surrounding lake are effectively integrated to create a multi-functional ecological tourism demonstration area that integrates red learning, tourism, fitness, and leisure vacation.



近日,杜苗先生(David Du)被任命为江门富力万达嘉华酒店餐饮副总监,履新后,他将全权负责监督和管理江门富力万达嘉华酒店餐饮部的运营工作,整合各项资源,强化餐饮产品及服务,进一步提升酒店的服务品质及餐饮体验。





此次来到安吉这个江浙沪的“养生后花园”城市履新,我们相信王昊东先生将以其多元化的思维方式,为酒店带来更优质的餐饮服务体验, 带领酒店餐饮走向新的高度。






Recently, Yilian Kaiyuan Mingdu Hotel officially appointed Ms. Wang Pin as the Director of Catering. She will be fully responsible for the management and operation of Yilian Kaiyuan Mingdu Hotel Lobby Bar, Mediterranean Cafe, Four Seasons Autumn Wood Chinese Restaurant, Yilian International Conference Center, room delivery, banquet and conference services, as well as the annual catering budget and promotion of various restaurants.

Ms. Wang Pin has over 12 years of experience in hotel industry and management. She has extensive work experience in hotel operations and market understanding. She has worked in various five-star hotel catering management positions such as Junlan and Lijing. Since engaging in catering management, she has always led her team with a focus on detail, prioritizing attitude, and results oriented industry standards, And I am willing to teach my potential colleagues what I have learned through words and deeds, constantly innovating and learning new things to bring new souls to the team.

On this new appointment, Ms. Wang Pin stated that she will lead the catering team to continuously explore and innovate, committed to presenting guests with constantly improving catering products, fully leveraging her experience and talent, and starting a new journey in catering at Yilian Kaiyuan Mingdu Hotel. At the same time, she also hopes to bring guests a wonderful and romantic dining experience, and enjoy life together with Kaiyuan, Provide high-quality and diverse food tours for new era business travelers and local leisure guests.



曹凯先生凭借其对酒店事业的热情和专业精神,将与酒店管理团队一起努力提升酒店服务品质及品牌知名度,以“知所需 心安为嘉”为理念,带领团队为酒店再创佳绩。
Recently, Wanda Realm Guangyuan announced the appointment of Mr. Cao as the assistant director of rooms, who is fully responsible for the overall operation and daily management of the hotel rooms division.
Mr. Cao graduated from Nanhua University with a major in biomedical engineering and is currently studying for a master's degree in business administration at Sichuan Normal University. He has more than 17 years of hotel experience. He has worked in the Starwood Hotels group for 7 years, and has served as the front office manager in Le Meridien, Sheraton and other brands. In September 2016, he joined Wanda Realm Neijiang hotel, and served the Wanda Realm brand for 5 years and was promoted to Director of Rooms. Since then, he has served as the deputy director of room affairs in the teaching hotel of Chengdu Ginkgo HotelManagement College, responsible for the operation and participation in the curriculum design. Returning to Wanda this time, he served as the assistant director of the rooms of Wanda Realm Guangyuan, responsible for the management of the front office department and the housekeeping department, and served as the champion of hotel service quality.
With his enthusiasm and professionalism for the hotel business, Kevin will work with the hotel management team to improve the service quality and brand awareness of the hotel. With the concept of "knowing the needs and peace of mind", he will lead the team to achieve another success for the hotel.



Kan来自北京,拥有超过35年的酒店从业经验。他从1990年开始在中国大饭店-这个享有“第二国宾馆” 之称的酒店深耕十年,扎实地学习了厨房的各项职能,且对于国际各大菜系有了一定的了解。之后,Kan加入了凯悦集团,开启了二十余年的寻味美食之旅,先后在北京、天津、西安、沈阳、长沙等一线大城市任职重要管理岗位。在加入温州威斯汀之前,Kan已积累了十年的行政总厨工作经验。作为一名厨房领域的匠人,Kan所工作过的餐厅屡获殊荣,如连续三年荣获大众点评“黑珍珠” 奖、优质美团品牌酒店餐厅、携程美食指南金奖等;作为拥有丰富筹备及管理经验的行政总厨,Kan擅长制定标准操作程序、确保出品质量、管理食品安全、推动人才发展及把控关键经营数据。我们相信,在温州这样一个美食聚集之地,经验丰富的Kan将带领厨房团队,凭借饱满的热情与专业的服务精神,以非凡理念打造匠心出品,为威斯汀成功人士呈现精致优雅的美食飨宴。
Kan will assume the role of Executive Chef for the Westin Wenzhou and be fully responsible for the overall operation and management of culinary team effective from 28th, Apr.2023. 
Kan is originally from Beijing and has 35 years’ hospitality experience. Since 1990, he has been working in the China Grand Hotel, which enjoys the title of "Second State Guesthouse" for ten years. He has steadily learned the functions of the kitchen and had a certain understanding of various international cuisines. After that, he joined Hyatt and embarked on a gourmet journey of more than 20 years, holding important management positions in major cities such as Beijing, Tianjin, Xi 'an, Shenyang and Changsha respectively. Prior to joining the Westin Wenzhou Hotel, Kan had 10 years of experience as an Executive Chef. As a craftsman in the field of kitchen, Kan's restaurants have won many awards, such as the "Black Pearl Restaurant" of Dianping.com for three years in a row, the Premium Brand Hotel Cafeteria of Meituan Hotel, Gold Medal of Ctrip Food Guide, etc. As an Executive Chef with extensive experience in preopening and operation, Kan specializes in developing standard operating procedures, ensuring quality of production, managing food safety, promoting talent development and controlling key business data. We are confident that led by experienced Kan in Wenzhou, a culinary mecca, chefs’ team will make a difference by presenting exquisite and remarkable feasts for Westin Achiever with enthusiasm, professionalism and craftsmanship for extraordinary.


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