

发表于 2023-9-25 15:39:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


1. 单词解释:

  • Pillow 指的是通常用于头部支撑和舒适的软垫,通常放在床上供人们睡觉时放在头下使用。

2. 单词用法:

  • "I like to sleep with two pillows for extra comfort."(我喜欢用两个枕头以获得更多的舒适感。)

  • "The hotel provides both soft and firm pillows for guests to choose from."(酒店提供软枕和硬枕供客人选择。)

3. 应用场景:

  • 在酒店服务中,pillow 是客房内的基本设备之一,用于提供给客人睡眠时使用。

4. 同义词或相近词:

    • Cushion(垫子):也可以用于头部支撑,但通常更小,用于椅子或沙发上。

    • Cushioned Pad(软垫):与枕头类似,但形状和用途可能略有不同。

5. 短语:

    • Pillowcase(枕套):用于覆盖枕头的套子。

    • Pillow Talk(枕边密语):指两人在夜晚共枕而眠时的私密对话。

6. 句子示例:

  1. 1."You can choose from a variety of pillows with different levels of firmness."

  2. 2."Please let us know if you need an extra pillow for your room."

  3. 3."Each bed in the hotel room comes with two pillows."

  4. 4."Make sure the pillowcases are clean and changed regularly."

  5. 5."If you find the pillow uncomfortable, we can provide you with a different one."

  6. 6."Pillow talk should be kept private and intimate."

  7. 7."Please fluff the pillows and arrange them neatly on the bed."

  8. 8."The cushioned pads in the lounge chairs are quite comfortable."

  9. 9."Some people prefer feather pillows because they're very soft."

  10. 10。"I always sleep with a pillow between my knees to reduce back pain."

7. 学习后测试练习:

  1. 1.什么是枕头?

    • A) A type of chair

    • B) A soft cushion for sleeping

    • C) A dining table

  2. 2.如果客人需要额外的枕头,你应该怎么做?

    • A) Ignore their request

    • B) Provide them with a different bed

    • C) Ask them to bring their own

  3. 3.枕套的作用是什么?

    • A) To keep the pillow clean

    • B) To make the pillow firmer

    • C) To provide extra cushioning

  4. 4.请用英语描述枕边密语的含义。

    • A) Private and intimate conversations while in bed

    • B) Talking loudly in bed

    • C) Using a pillow for a pillow fight

  5. 5.为什么有些人喜欢羽绒枕头?

    • A) Because they're very hard

    • B) Because they're very colorful

    • C) Because they're very soft


  1. B) A soft cushion for sleeping

  2. B) Provide them with a different bed

  3. A) To keep the pillow clean

  4. A) Private and intimate conversations while in bed

  5. C) Because they're very soft





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