1. What position are you applying for today?2. Why do you think you can handle this job very well?5. Do you know how long you will work everyday? Can you accept that?6. What does shop assistant do?7. What if I give you RSA?8. Why do you want this job? 9. Do you know something about this position? 10. Please tell me what do you need as a WA?11. Why do you choose to be a cleaner? 12. Can you tell me the duty as a cleaner?13. Why do you want to work on board? 14. How do you know our company?15. What time did you come here to take the interview?16. Why do you want to get high salary?17. What did you learn from your job?18. Your major is not suitable to this position. Why do you want to choose it?19. Why didn't you come here at nine?21. What position do you prepare for?22. If I give you assistant waiter, is it OK? Do you accept it?23. Which one do you like better, coffee or tea?24. If I give you the position of dealer in casino, do you want to go?25. Are you working now? You say you have work.26. Do you know RSA's duty?27. Why do you want to be a cleaner?28. Please tell me your personality.29. Why do you want to join in RCI?30. Why should I hire/choose you?32. Why don't you apply for Commis?33. How did you know about RCI?34. Why do you want to work in RCI?35. If you work in different ship from your girlfriend, what will you do?36. What do you think is important to be a waiter?37.How did you come here? 38.What do you think of your classmate’s interview?40. If I give you WA, what will you do?41. Tell me something about the Royal Caribbean International.42.What do you think about the ship life?43. Do you know the other cruise lines?44. How do you know this job?45. Did you go to RCCL ship before? Why?46. Why do you want to work on board?47. Why do you choose this job?48. Which ship does your friend worked on?49. What did he tell you?50. What's the most interesting thing of this job?参考文献:李宏娟,孙峥,姚茜.邮轮面试英语[M]大连,大连海事大学出版社.2018.174其实海乘的门槛比你想象中低得多!只要学习方法得当,你完全可以用工作之外的碎片时间,通过学习掌握基本的海乘面试知识。如果你也想通过邮轮公司面试,成为一名海乘,那就抓紧加入我们吧!我们是超凡海乘,专注于国际豪华邮轮海乘,高端精英式培训,更轻松,更高效! 联系我们 官网:www.chaofanhaicheng.com |