
BLACKPINK成员Jennie正面回应“舞台划水”争议 ┆ 韩流新闻中的英语知识

发表于 2023-7-18 12:30:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

近日, 微博文娱板块的两条热搜#Jennie称舞台没有划水# 与#Jennie称作为Kpop艺人出道被限制发展#颇受关注:

韩国女子音乐组合BLACKPINK成员金珍妮 (JENNIE) 于2023.07.14作为嘉宾参与英国歌手杜阿·利帕 (Dua Lipa) 所主持的BBC播客节目《At Your Service》, 首次公开回应舞台“划水”争议。

BBC娱乐板块对本次采访进行了专题报道; 文章首先使用“low energy performances”、“lazy”、“unable to deliver her choreography”来向读者简单介绍了“划水”相关争议。


choreography”指的就是“编舞, 舞蹈设计”; 常见词“deliver”除可表示“投递, 运送 (信件、包裹、货物等)”, 也可理解为“兑现 (诺言)”, 即“to do what you promised to do or what you are expected to do”, 比如英国前首相特拉斯 (Elizabeth Truss) 就曾打出“deliver, deliver, deliver”的竞选口号, 强调自身兑现承诺、说到做到的决心, 相关知识点详见2022.09.08推文《新铁娘子? 外媒如何报道英国新任女首相》(点击蓝字即可跳转至文章预览)。

那么原文此处“unable to deliver her choreography”指的就是“不能完成她的编舞动作”, 原文作者随后提到“even when it looked flawless to the uninitiated” (尽管在外行人看来她的舞台效果是完美无瑕的), 同学们可以由此积累“flawless”和“uninitiated”。

  • flaw”同义于“fault”、“mistake”和“weakness”, 表示“错误, 缺点, 缺陷, 瑕疵”; 词缀“-less”作“无, 没有”来理解; 那么“flawless”指的就是“完美无瑕的”。

  • uninitiated”表示“外行的, 缺少经验的”, 相关“the uninitiated”指的就是“缺乏专门知识者, 不知情者, 门外汉, 外行”这类含义。





"I did not know how to control my body the way I should."


"It all started because I would constantly hurt myself during performances and live [shows] compared to the other girls."


"It was a stressful thing in my life. I'm like, 'There we go, I fell again, I tripped over again."


"So I feel like I've disappointed my fans at some points of my life, where it seemed like I wasn't giving my best."




"I've learned to take care of my body. And I've learned a lot about myself, with my health and how my muscles work, even how bendy I am with my arms."


"In every detail, I've spent time."




"Some people are amazing in heels. My feet aren't built for it."


"Sometimes, when I'm feeling perfectly fine, when my body's OK, it's fine. But when I'm travelling and my feet are bloated, if I try to dance in heels, my stamina just goes down."

原文谈到金珍妮回应质疑时, 如此写道:


Her admission is unusual in the tightly-controlled world of K-pop, where stars are expected to maintain high standards of professionalism at all times. Criticisms of Jennie's performances have often been couched in those terms, with fans suggesting she's being unprofessional - even when she exceeds the standards of most Western artists. But the star said she wanted to be upfront about the challenges she'd faced. (她的回应在严格受限的韩国流行音乐界是不寻常的, 韩流明星被期望始终保持高水平的专业水准。对珍妮表演的批评经常是这样的, 粉丝们认为她不专业——即使她超越了大多数西方艺人的标准。但这位明星表示, 她想坦率地讲述自己所面临的挑战)




常见词“couch”除可作名词来表示“沙发” (a sofa), 也可作动词使用, 多以“couch something in/as something”的搭配来表示“以 (某种方式) 表达”, 即“to express something in a particular way”, 用法示例: I don't understand this form - it's all couched in legal terminology. 我看不懂这张表——满篇法律术语。

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