
杨邦胜|新作 成都瑯珀·凯悦臻选酒店 |酒店

发表于 2021-4-11 08:06:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





"To create a hotel is like carving a piece of uncut jade. In the process of cutting, learning, polishing and grinding, you give it shape, spirit and a humble attitude towards the world."

- Yang Bangsheng

Hyatt Place Chengdu Langpo Hotel is located in the hinterland of the old city, the financial and business district of East Street, which is the intersection of fashion, vitality and history. When the brand new national brand "Langpo" meets "Hyatt Regency", conversing with the ancient in the motley time, and meeting with the refined fashion and the modern, YANG rethinks and redefines the Chinese soap-home lifestyle.


Based on the understanding of Chinese philosophy of life and life aesthetics for thousands of years, Yang's creation of space is by no means simple retro and luxurious. After an in-depth interpretation of the genes of the two brands, the design takes "jade", which represents the style of gentlemen, as a clue to transform the warm, modest and restrained Chinese humanistic spirit into a space charm that can be perceived.

The most representative local "Sichuan Opera" elements are abstractly interpreted in the space, connecting the exquisite life of Chengdu and the fireworks in the market, expressing the attitude of urban elites and fashionable people to enjoy life and work without formal forms.

电梯厅效果图/Renderings of elevator hall




It is but a step to go deep or to go in fashion,

It's not just nostalgic moments that move you about this city,

There are endless possibilities for the future

Cultural Concept Extraction (Pictures from the Internet)

The design theme of the air lobby is "life is like a play". The background of the reception desk is a metal screen with the lines of Sichuan Opera facial makeup, which opens the curtain of the drama. No matter the protagonist on the stage or the audience, they will perform their own plays and stories here.

Strong outside, tough inside, gentleman like jade. Tenacity is a kind of music can stretch, low but not the spirit. The designer interprets this spirit through the extreme use of curves and cambered surfaces. Even the hard materials such as marble wall and metal screen of the main desk are interpreted with the philosophy of combining hardness and softenness.

There is no traditional lobby bar in the hotel, but the open "Yunxuan" teahouse introduces the local "tea making"Pavilion "lifestyle.

In the lobby and the lobby and the Yunxuan open and close between the conversion, the city flower hibiscus blooming with graceful appearance, thick but not colourful, elegant but not positive, so that the space of interest suddenly born.


Artwork Concept Extraction (Pictures from the Internet)

The space design of the tea house creates a sense of Chinese concierge ceremony through the orderly wall lamps arranged on both sides of the wall and the Oriental red dancing color of the sofa. In addition, the short and wide leather and cloth furniture are selected to introduce the western mood. The clash and fusion of Chinese noble and elegant and western rigorous and calm reveal the inclusive and open spirit of the city.


When space becomes the carrier of time
The future grows in the soil of the past and the present

全日餐效果图/Full day meal renderings


The all-day restaurant creates a strong nostalgic feeling with a retro atmosphere. The red brick wall in the alley of the old city and the retro pattern on the floor of Buffet Terratic are engraved with the deep memory of urban life.

The meticulously arranged ceiling curtain art chandelier, corner decoration drapery, fireplace and simple table seats, just like into an aged cafe, showing the urban elite class and the trend of the high pursuit of quality of life and artistic taste.


The progressive sequence of the arcade leads guests to the Chinese food area. The design extracts the warm and emerald color from the jade and renders the silent space tone of embellishment.

Rooms into the traditional life of the "game chess" fun, each room seat, tableware, decorative painting one by one interpretation of the game chess "nine products of the environment", a decorative painting and box name echo of the jade, will become the sublimation of the cultural atmosphere of the finishing touch.




Beyond pure form and function

Let the spirit bloom freely in the space

小宴会前厅效果图/Renderings of small banquet hall

The banquet hall continues the theme of "drama" in the lobby. The lines and colors of Sichuan Opera facial makeup are abstracted as an artistic form of space to foil a warm atmosphere.


The geometric structure that smallpox forms by plane line, hide light source effectively already, build clean block surface, form undulating parallax again, add artistic feeling.

Due to the low height of the swimming pool, the ceiling uses the metal mirror to reflect the swimming pool, forming an open visual effect, and creating a romantic atmosphere under the stars.

The guest room space is the warm and moist state after the uncut jade carving, neither the pursuit of excessive rich and radical, nor the pursuit of excessive simple and quiet.

The design of the space without too much interference, with simple but elegant color, pure materials and transparent pattern, the construction of the soap-home expected quiet, thorough and sense of belonging.


Explore the Oriental background of modern life, construct the poetic connection between space and place, the Hyatt Place Chengdu Langpo Hotel is designed by Yang for the hustle and bustle of the city. Yang provides a life style of seeking tranquility in movement and harmony between inside and outside, and refreshes the Chinese soap-home experience with the Chinese humble and flexible philosophy of cultivating one's morality and life.

Project Name: Chengdu Langpo · Hyatt Place Hotel
Location: Building 2, West International Finance Center, No.258 East Street Section, Jinjiang District, Chengdu City
Project area: 35,677 square meters
Design unit: YANG Design Group
Creator team: Yang Bangsheng, Chen Baihua, Mou Weiguo, Hu Chaozhen, Xu Shaofen
Opening date: February 26, 2021
Project photography: Shawn


杨邦胜设计集团(简称YANG)是一家享誉全球的大型创意设计企业,专注国际高端品牌酒店室内设计,总部位于中国深圳,并在巴黎、纽约设有办事机构。1997年由亚太著名酒店设计师杨邦胜先生创立,汇聚全球500余名设计精英,在国际酒店设计领域取得骄人成绩,2018年荣登美国《INTERIOR DESIGN》酒店设计百大排名全球第五

YANG作为中国文化个性酒店设计的领航者,始终坚持地域文化、东方美学的国际表达,精品倍出,获奖无数。先后获得“全球卓越设计大奖之最佳酒店设计”,以及素有酒店设计“奥斯卡”之称GOLD KEY AWARD“最佳度假酒店”等国际国内知名大奖310余项。

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :知行

排版 Editor:Tan    校对 Proof:Tan

图片版权 Copyright :原作者



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